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The heartbeat monitor abruptly started beeping.

Pepper burst into tears.

They were in the new avengers base on the edge of Wakanda, hidden from the world and even the other avengers. Everyone thought Tony was dead, and until a few moments ago, they'd been right. When Dr. Strange saw Morgan, he'd realized Tony was still needed on the earth. He'd privately told Pepper there was a chance to bring him back, and she'd immediately agreed to let him try. 

Once Tony was in the hospital bed, right next to everything they needed to keep him alive, Dr. Strange used the time stone to rewind the damage right up until the point immediately after he'd snapped. 

And it had worked. After half a second that had lasted for an eternity, Tony's heart had begun beating again. Pepper grabbed Tony's left hand and squeezed it, closing her eyes and praying that it would work. After several long moments, she felt the faintest squeeze back, and that made her heart swell with hope more than anything she'd been told.

Dr. Strange worked quickly, proving that he was still one of the best doctors as well as being a wizard. Once Tony's vitals were stabilized and his arm was bandaged, he sat down, facing Pepper with a tired smile. "It'll take a while, and he'll have scars, but he'll make a full recovery."

Pepper just cried harder, too happy to say anything.

Morgan would get to grow up with a father, after all.

A New Beginning - Endgame FixitWhere stories live. Discover now