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"Connected," said Karen's voice in Peter's ear, startling him. He'd forgotten about the earpiece. Relief flooded through him. "Karen, call Aunt May."

"We should probably get away from this place," said MJ. Peter nodded and they took off running for the nearest hill.

Aunt May picked up in moments and started talking before Peter could say a word.

"Oh my goodness, Peter! You have no idea how worried I've been, you disappeared for two days, we couldn't find a trace of you anywhere!"

"Aunt May--"

"Your tracker wasn't working, every time I called it went straight to voicemail, not a word from anyone at all! I swear I've aged ten years in the last two days--"

"I'm so sorry, I--"

"even Happy had an emotional breakdown, no one could find you, I know you can handle yourself but you don't know how hard it is to listen to policemen talking about how you got kidnapped-"

"I'm sorry, okay, I'm okay now, I'm safe, but me and MJ are kinda stranded in the middle of nowhere so can you tell Happy--"

"He's already found your location and he's on the way. Are you sure you're alright? Are you hurt?"

"No, we're fine, we're okay." Peter looked behind himself nervously. "But tell Happy he might need backup."


"It's a long story, okay?"

May sighed and Peter could vividly imagine her closing her eyes and trying to get calm.

"Okay, Peter, just hang tight and help will be there in a minute."

As if on cue, Peter heard something racing through the air. The sound was achingly familiar, but it didn't make sense. He slowed to a stop.

"Is Iron Man suit?" asked MJ, squinting at the sky.

"It looks...smaller than usual," said Peter.

Before they could ask, a young voice cut into the comms, surrounded by whistling that Peter could tell was the wind by the suit. "Hey, Peter. I'm Harley."


"A...friend of Tony's. Where are you? You're not showing up on my display...Oh, there you are! I see you now."

"Who is it?" asked MJ.

"I'm still not exactly sure, but he's here to help," said Peter.

"Good, 'cause...they're coming."

Peter turned around to see several of Beck's men running towards them. Beck was at the front, and he looked livid. 

Harley landed about twenty feet away, not quite as smoothly as Tony would've but not too terribly either. "We should probably hurry, I'm not used to this thing so fighting might not be smart."

Beck fired something. Lightning flew from it, reaching towards MJ.

Peter shoved her out of the way of the blast, but when it hit him he was still touching her. The shock went through both of them, knocking them to the ground. The earpiece in Peter's ear crackled and went dead. He shakily pushed himself onto his knees, only to see that MJ was out cold. He shook her shoulder. "MJ? MJ!"

A repulsor blast fired over his head, knocking down several attackers. "If you're still awake, she'll be fine. Come on, we gotta go!" Harley held out his other hand while he fired at the attackers.

Peter grabbed onto MJ and stood up. The metal arm wrapped around him and they took off, flying as fast as they safely could. Peter squeezed his eyes shut and clung to MJ.

After a couple of minutes, Harley slowed down and landed in a place that looked pretty much the same- grass. Everywhere.

"You okay?" asked Harley as he gently set them down. Peter nodded, sitting down and gently laying MJ on the grass. Harley's suit dissolved into an ordinary-looking watch.

Peter looked up at Harley's face. He'd seen Harley at the funeral. He'd looked so serious then, he hadn't imagined him to ever have that quirky smile.

Instead of bringing it up, he distracted himself by checking MJ's pulse. It felt normal. He wasn't exactly a medical expert, though.

"Um...Happy's going to pick us up." said Harley after an awkward silence. "I could've taken us all the way, but it's probably not the most comfortable way to travel."

Peter nodded, and there was another awkward silence.

"How'd you get the suit?" asked Peter. Mr. Stark had given him EDITH, but a full-on suit? That was a little crazy.

Harley thought for a moment, then gave him a lopsided, mischievous smile. "You'll have to wait to find out."

"Well...anyway, thanks for saving us." Peter held out his hand.

Harley grinned and shook it. "That was the coolest thing ever! I got an excuse to fly this, I've wanted to since I was a little kid."

MJ groaned and Peter whipped his head around. "MJ?"

"Peter? What happened?"

"We sorta got...tazed." As he helped her up, he saw Harley raise his eyebrows in a teasing smirk. Peter shot him a dirty look.

"Are we...did we make it?"

"Yeah, Happy's gonna pick us up."

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