A Happy Ending, Part 2 (Because it's THAT happy)

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Even though the party could've ended with the picture, no one wanted to leave. After the sun set, they lay down and watched the stars, which were brighter in Wakanda than anywhere they'd seen. The little kids saw a few shooting stars and told everyone they could to make wishes. Thor pointed out different constellations and explained which stars had inhabited planets, and Loki told the legends of where the constellations came from. Loki was a much better storyteller than anyone had expected, and by the end of the night, everyone had gotten used to the frost-giant-turned-Asgardian. 

Two hours after dark, the little kids had fallen asleep, and Pepper decided it was time for bed. Peter scooped up Morgan and carried her inside. She felt so innocent and trusting, and she looked even younger in her sleep. Even though he'd only known her for a few hours he knew he'd do anything to protect her. After he'd put her to bed he said goodnight to all of his friends, new and old, hugged MJ, and went to bed in the room Aunt May had been staying in. There was only one bedroom, and it was smaller than their apartment in Queens, but it felt perfect. 

As he lay in bed he knew he'd never forget that night. 

Every single person in the base had dreams full of joy.

The next morning, everyone slept in. When they got up, Peggy and Pepper had made pancakes. Everyone was sleepy but happy as they cleaned up from the unforgettable night before. People headed home until only those directly concerned with Beck or the Infinity Stones remained. There weren't any sad goodbyes because they all knew they would come back at least every month.

Once everything had been cleaned up, they met to decide what to do with Beck. Obviously, they needed to get the truth back to the police in queens. Peter couldn't believe that it had only been yesterday. The kidnapping seemed months ago.

It was easy to clear up once they realized the drones had thermal cameras, and they easily got together all the footage they needed. Beck sat handcuffed in the corner looking miserable and angry the whole time, but other than Loki slapping him (hard) when video-Beck punched video-Peter, no one paid any attention to him. (If Tony had been in the room he probably would've done something worse than slapping him, but they didn't want Quentin to know Tony was alive, so Tony had to talk to Happy through the comms.) They put the videos together with Quentin's file he'd had as a Stark employee and sent it to the people who were still in Queens trying to find Peter. They quickly released the truth to the public. Spiderman had saved so many of them that they all trusted him, and everyone accepted the truth. Soon after, they took the gang of criminals back to Queens for the police to deal with.

Of course, there was still the small detail of Peter having a public identity. There wasn't much they could do to change that, so he and Aunt May decided to move into the Avengers tower. 

The Avengers set up the Space Stone with a special room in the tower, so they could get anywhere instantly and back. Peter was really happy about it because it meant he didn't have to lose anything in Queens.

The Reality Stone was too powerful to keep on earth, so Thor and Loki took it to newly-created Asgard to lock it up. It was held much more securely than last time, with a similar spell to the one on Mjolnir- no one would get to it unless they were completely trustworthy.

The Soul Stone was unanimously given to Natasha. Several protective spells were cast to hide it and to keep anyone from ever taking it. She discovered she could use it to read people's intentions and also temporarily trap the souls of her opponents, essentially knocking them out. She could also enter the soul realm to communicate with them where they couldn't hurt her. She kept her abilities a secret, though, and usually didn't use them.

The Mind Stone was bound to Vision in the same way, with spells to ensure that it couldn't be used by anyone else. The Time Stone was kept by Dr. Strange, and the Power Stone was carefully separated into pieces that were each hidden and protected by as many spells as they could think of. The world still believed the stones were gone, which added another layer of protection.

Once they realized everyone wanted to live together, they expanded the base and everyone moved in. Each family had a space like a big apartment, and they shared the main kitchen and the rest of the base. Ned and MJ had to stay in Queens, but they came over almost every single day to hang out with Peter, Harley, and Shuri. Peter and Harley's rivalry continued when they went on various missions, and they were always looking for opportunities to save each other's life. They kept a running total of how many times each of them had saved the other, and though they pretended to be bitter rivals, they couldn't have been closer. Ned, of course, stayed the guy in the chair for both of them. 

Nat being Nat, she was fully back to normal in days. After a couple more weeks, Tony made a full recovery (his arm wasn't back to full strength for two more months), and he promised Pepper he'd only use his suits for flying- something he adamantly refused to give up. 

Everyone enjoyed playing with Morgan while in superhero mode. Tony, Harley, Peter, and Shuri built an extension so that Harley or Tony could fly her around in the iron man suit with their arms free, and Peter often strapped her on piggyback with webs and swung around various cities with her (and sometimes the other kids, but Morgan loved it most). MJ didn't want to miss out on being an Avenger, so she made friends with Natasha, who taught her a lot more martial arts skills. Even with super strength, Peter couldn't beat her. (Unless he cheated and used his webs.)

When they weren't on missions, they spent lots of time in Shuri's lab, making random but exciting things. Peter caught up quickly with the scientific knowledge of Wakanda, and they spent lots of time experimenting...with the occasional prank or explosion just for fun. Morgan and Cassie were just as fascinated with science as the older kids and often came to watch. Sometimes they accidentally solved problems by asking the older kids to explain different things.

Steve and Peggy were married, and a month later Scott and Hope were married. A few months after that, Peggy became pregnant. When Cassie and Morgan started running around singing songs about how they were going to have a cousin, no one argued with them- everyone had accepted that they were all one huge family.

When the little girl was born, the moms decided to make their mom group official, and every so often they banned the boys from the building so they could have a few hours of quiet. The monthly dinners continued, not quite as crazy as the first but still joyful and crowded. Thor and Loki and Valkyrie would show up and make a new weird pattern on the lawn. Doctor Strange always 'portaled' in with his girlfriend, and had fun making pop culture references and seeing who understood them (Usually Tony and Peter did instantly.) Once Pepper let Tony back into the labs, he and the other science nerds invented FTL communication, so they could send messages to Asgard or to the guardians if they needed to. 

Everyone was finally together.

The world was safe.


This is the official end, but I might add another story here and there- some of their missions, or funny events that happen in the base. 

(EDIT 10/30/2020: I did add a few oneshots but by now I'm focused on my own projects again. Honestly, I never expected so many people to read this...I wasn't even going to publish it at first. So I feel a little bad for never doing anything with it, but my original stories still come first. If you want to read something similar that actually updates regularly, I have a friend who writes similar stuff (in fact, she's the one who made me share this fixit with her in the first place and then convinced me to publish it), though she publishes on Quotev. Just go on there and search for Karen Nightfall or AgentNightfall19.)

If you've gotten this far then thanks so much for reading, and I hope you liked it. 

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