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"Spiderman's real name is...Spiderman's real name is Peter Parker!"

Peter's school photo appeared on the giant screen.

"What the %$(#?!"

What was he supposed to do? He couldn't go home to aunt may, they'd find him there. School was no longer an option. He looked down, mind racing. Several people in the crowd below him were already taking pictures and calling the police.

Some were swarming MJ, yelling things. One grabbed her wrist, talking furiously on the phone. MJ twisted her arm away from them, trying to find her way through the maze of people. "Peter, you need to get out of here before one of these idiots tries to kill you!"

Back at you, He thought miserably. He shot a web at a building and swung toward the crowd. Most dodged, startled, and he caught MJ mid-swing, getting her away from the angry crowd.

"Karen, find me a safe place for us to hide," he said breathlessly as he swung as fast as he could. MJ clung to him with a death grip but this time didn't make a sound. He felt sick and tried to focus on making the trip as smooth as possible.

When he got to the abandoned building Karen had chosen, he swung through an open window and they crashed onto the dusty floor. He quickly helped MJ up, stumbling over his words as he tried to apologize.

"I'm so sorry, they saw you swinging with me, and now you're stuck in this mess too, and it's all...MJ, I am so, so sorry..." He pulled off his mask and rubbed his eyes.

"It''s fine, we'll figure this out," said MJ, but she looked like she might throw up. She took a deep breath and laughed nervously. "I guess...I guess 'never' didn't last very long, did it."

Peter's mind was spinning too fast to respond. Beck was alive? Edith had told him all illusions were down...

Of course. It wasn't an illusion, it was just plain acting.

Peter groaned, running his fingers through his hair. "How did I seriously fall for that again?"

"It's gonna be fine, we can handle this."

His phone started vibrating. Aunt May. He rejected the call and sent her a quick text to let her know he was safe.

"I got this, I got this, I got this," he said to himself under his breath.

"So...what's the plan?" asked MJ.

"I'm..." Peter sighed, rubbing his eyes and thinking. "I need to find Beck so I can prove he's alive and stop him from attacking anyone else, and I should probably tell the police what's going on so they don't think I'm running."

"Good idea."

"You and Ned and maybe Aunt May are gonna be targeted by Beck, so I need to get you to safety. I'll call Happy and have him pick them up, and...I guess I'll call the police and they can take you. Hopefully, they'll listen to me."

MJ nodded. "Hurry. I might not have six senses but this place is creeping me out."

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