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The moment the jet landed, Happy ran down and grabbed Peter in an anxious hug. A split second later Peter was pulled away by Aunt May, who nearly suffocated him. He was glad she hadn't found out about him being tazed, because if she'd heard she could've broken his ribs.

"Oh my gosh, Peter, I can't believe you're okay..." She pulled away to look him over. "Oh my gosh, is that a bruise? What did they do to you?" She hugged him again. "Don't ever, ever get kidnapped again!"

"I wasn't trying to," he said, wanting to pull away and avoid suffocation but letting her get her emotions out.

"Let's get you somewhere safe. When's the last time you ate?" She let go. "What are you wearing? Did you...Nevermind. Food first, questions after."

They ate on the plane. While May called someone back at the base to tell them Peter and MJ were safe, Happy took both of them to a back room and an AI scanned them for injuries. He gave Peter something to help counter the injection (which thankfully wasn't poison, just a tranquilizer that had not completely worked) and told them the aftereffects of electric shock would fade on their own. He also told them he'd called someone to arrest everyone at the evil base, and that they had nothing to worry about. Peter changed out of the motion capture suit and into his own clothes.

After he and MJ were feeling mostly back to normal, they told the others what happened- leaving out some of the less important but more frightening details. They all reassured each other that they were safe for good and Peter and Harley ended up talking for most of the ride. Harley explained how he'd met Tony, and Peter explained how Tony had found out about him being spiderman. He couldn't help but wonder what Harley wasn't telling him, but he knew he was keeping something a secret. Every time he said something about Tony, Harley's eyes would twinkle mischievously.

When they arrived at the new avengers base in Wakanda, even MJ was impressed. The plane landed smoothly and they all gazed up at the new building, all white with tons of windows. Peter was so distracted he didn't see Ned running up to him until he was right in front of him.

"Dude, you're okay! And MJ! We were so worried about you! Are you guys okay? What happened to you? What was going on? Is Mysterio still alive? Did he try to kill you again? What happened to your face, did he punch you? How did you get away? Is he dead?"

"It's...complicated," said Peter as he and Ned finished the handshake. "He-"

Suddenly Ned's eyebrows shot up. "Oh! Dude, c'mon, c'mon, there's someone else here that you- um, yeah, just, come here." He grinned, and Peter could tell he was trying not to spoil a secret.

Peter followed quickly. MJ, Harley, Aunt May, and Happy were close behind. An AI confirmed their identities as they walked through the entrance. Ned led them around the base with confidence, and Peter wondered how much time he'd spent wandering around.

Ned stopped outside a white door, a huge grin on his face. "Okay, open it."

Peter opened the door, and stepped through, slightly nervous and mostly confused. His eyes took in a hospital room, with expensive-looking monitors and-

He sucked in a breath and grabbed the doorway, feeling dizzy. It couldn't be...

"Hey kid," said Tony with a lopsided smile. His eyes were shining as he saw Peter's face.

"Oh my gosh- Mr. Stark," Peter stuttered in disbelief, blinking back tears. "You're- you- I thought- are you really-"

"It's me," he said softly.

Peter stared at him for several shocked moments of silence.

"You died," he finally choked. "I was there, I saw it, you were dead, I..."

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