BONUS: Morgan Deleted Scene!

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Tony and Pepper both turned to look at the doorway, where Morgan was standing in her pajamas, rubbing her eyes with one fist.

"Why aren't you in bed?" asked Pepper.

She shrugged innocently.

Tony's face broke into a smile. "C'mere, maguna. Daddy needs a hug."

Morgan grinned and climbed onto the bed, crawling over him and curling up under his good arm. "I knew you would be okay," she told him happily, wriggling under the blankets.

Tony stroked her hair. The physical effort was exhausting, but it was worth it. It meant he was alive, and his family was safe.

He looked down to see Morgan looking up at him.

"How did you know I was awake?" he asked her, giving her a playfully suspicious frown. Either she'd woken up every five minutes every single night--which wasn't the case, since she didn't look tired--or she had extremely good timing.

"Friday woke me up and told me."

"Hmm," said Tony, sharing a look with Pepper before glancing back down at his daughter. "Did you tell her to?"

"Yeah," said Morgan proudly, giving him an adorable smile. "Mommy didn't say I couldn't."

Pepper sighed, exasperated, but Tony couldn't help grinning. 

"Come here, Pepper. Family snuggle time."

Pepper sighed, protesting that he wasn't supposed to move yet, but even as she said it she walked around the bed and squeezed in on Morgan's other side. She put one arm around Morgan and reached over her to hold Tony's hand with the other. 

Within a few minutes, they were all peacefully asleep.

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