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Peter woke up in complete darkness.

It was strange. He'd been able to see in the dark ever since the spider bite. That meant there wasn't any light at all. Illusions?

He listened carefully. He was alone. His pulse and his breathing sounded loud to his sensitive ears. The echoes told him he was in a rather small room with a ceiling about eight feet up. He could also hear the faint buzzing of a speaker in one corner that was on but not currently in use.

Next, he focused on touch. The most glaringly obvious thing he could feel was the handcuffs on his wrists. They didn't feel particularly strong, but knowing Beck, they were probably rigged to set something off if he broke them. Then he realized his suit was gone. He was wearing what felt like thick pajamas.

That meant no webshooters, no tracker, no Karen.

Wait. He still had the little detachable earpiece in his ear. He pressed the little button with one finger.

"Karen? Hello?" He whispered. If he could get through to Happy-

"Offline," responded the voice. That meant there was pretty much nothing that thing could do until after he got out.

He hoped desperately that MJ was okay. It was one thing to be captured alone, but if she got hurt it would be completely his fault.

After feeling his way around every inch of the cell, he knew nothing else except the location of the door. He lay on the ground, wondering what they were going to do and trying to think of a way to escape.

Suddenly a bright light flooded the room and Peter yelped, shielding his eyes as his vision was overloaded. The door swung open, but before he ran out he sensed that he'd immediately get tazed.

"I thought you were past being gullible," said Beck. Peter opened his eyes. He was standing just outside the door, a superior smile on his face. "But here you are, exactly where I wanted you. When I tell the world I'm alive and then turn you in, there'll be nothing you can do to convince them otherwise."

"What about telling them the truth?"

Beck just laughed. "Good luck with that," he said, nodding to someone Peter couldn't see. The door slammed shut and locked again.

He looked down at his handcuffs. Sure enough, half a dozen wires ran between the two sides. He bit his lip. If he could figure out which wires to pull, he might be able to get them both out of there.

Eventually, he just grabbed a random one and counted down under his breath. A split second before he pulled it out, his senses screamed not to. He let go, startled.

After taking a few deep breaths he tried a different wire. When nothing warned him not to he yanked it out.

Nothing happened.

He sighed in relief. After another minute he had the other wires disconnected, separating the cuffs completely. He was about to crush them to get them off completely, but his peter tingle told him that was a bad idea.

He stood up, heart pounding, and then kicked the door as hard as he could. It flew off its hinges and hit a wall a few feet back.

Alarms immediately went off. He heard shouting across the speakers and pressed his hands against his ears, wondering if they had the paralyzing noise thing set up everywhere. Not going in any specific direction, he charged through the hallways and smashed through more doors. He felt like he was going in circles, running through a maze. Then he wondered how many of the walls were real. He put his hand out to touch them next time he hit a dead end, only to have his hand go through it.

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