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They arrived in Wakanda in the middle of the night. The area was deserted, and it was the perfect opportunity to fulfil Nat and Bucky's wishes.

They were too excited to sleep, so they spent all night discussing their future. By the time the sun came up they'd planned their house, their children, and even what kind of dishes they'd use on holidays.

Eventually, it was time to pull the prank. Peggy thought the mask was fascinating, and when Steve put it on, she burst into hysterical giggles. Before the others arrived, Peggy and Steve climbed a tree to wait. Steve made sure he had his shield (which was repaired before he left) ready with him.

"You boys are so ridiculous sometimes," said Peggy, but once the avengers began showing up she watched them, fascinated. Steve explained who was who in a whisper while they watched his past self climb into the platform and vanish.

"Returning in 5...4...3...2...1..."

Nothing happened.

They all stared around in confusion.

Steve slipped down the tree, keeping a straight face as he sat down on the bench and pretended to be old. Peggy nearly died laughing as she watched the other avengers take the entire thing completely seriously, not realizing that he would've created an alternate timeline if he really had gone back for good. When Steve handed the shield to Sam she had to bite her hand to keep from laughing out loud.

It continued for several minutes until Bucky finally burst out laughing while Cap made yet another old man joke. Steve rolled his eyes at him and Nat (who had refused to not be there) shushed him. Everyone started giving Cap weird looks and then he sighed and peeled his face off.

Several of them swore. Bucky actually fell over, laughing until he ran out of breath and then continuing in silent breathless giggles. Steve just smiled, chuckling. Nat observed everyone with a knowing smirk as Steve tossed the mask back to her.

"I thought you'd actually left us to go with your girl!" Sam huffed, extremely annoyed.

Steve gestured at the tree. "I sort of did."

Peggy dropped down, landing easily and smiling at the group. They gawked, speechless as she walked over. Steve kissed her on the forehead.

"I suppose you all know who I am," she said. 

Natasha nodded and held out her hand to shake. "And you know who we are."

As Peggy shook Natasha's hand, Nat winked at steve. "Told you," she muttered.

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