A New Jedi

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Max's POV

Max awoke with a start as the heavy rain splashed upon his face. He found it hard to register where he was or how he got there. When he tried to recall what had occurred before he ended up on the soft, muddy ground in a lush forest, he abruptly hit a wall in his memory. Max was no stranger to waking up to confusion as he had fallen asleep in class many times in his day. However, he had never woken up in a classroom he himself had not consciously remember walking into. Wherever he was, Max was fairly certain he had not willed himself to be here.

He could only concentrate on one thing at a time, however, and currently, he needed to find shelter from the cold and wet rain. The moon was his only source of light as he sloshed through the mud up towards a tall tree on a hill and took cover. From there, he got a good view of his surroundings. Other than trees, grass, and mud, Max could see light coming from a building down below. From what he could tell, it was circular and rusted-looking and few people walked in and out of it. Even through the howling wind, Max could hear they were speaking an incomprehensible language. From their silhouettes, Max had the irrational feeling that they were not human.

"Woah." He said to himself, "I've never done drugs but I'm pretty sure this is what an acid trip feels like. Wonder if that makes me a weed whacker." He took a moment of pride in his proper use of the term "weed whacker". If only Avery was there to hear him. Avery! Suddenly it came back to him- the bookshop, his sister, the weird book encased in glass, and a flash of light. None of it made any sense. But maybe, just maybe, Avery was here too along with Carter and his sister.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Max called, sloshing through the forest, "Am I being punked? No way." Max stopped dead in his tracks. Just around the corner from where he had awoken was just about the coolest thing he had ever seen. It must've towered over 30ft and Max looked up at it in awe. It was just as he imagined it; just as he had built it with Legos in middle school. It was Han Solo's ship: The Millennium Falcon.


 "No way that's what I think it is

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"No way that's what I think it is." Max said, trying to hide his gleeful smile, "The Millennium Falcon? This is sick!" He ran up to it and saw that the boarding ramp was down. He wanted nothing more than to run inside.

"So I'm at Disneyland?!" Max decided, "Where do I get a Fastpass for this?" In incomprehensible circumstances, the brain tends to rationalize to the best of its ability. Combined with Max's dim-witted personality, this leads to a less than intelligent rationalization of irrational events. Any fear or uncertainty that remained in him was washed away by the utter joy and awe he felt from his favorite film franchise coming to life before his very eyes. He no longer cared for the what, when, why, or how, he only cared about the Millennium Falcon.

He almost slipped with his muddy shoes as he ran up the ramp and onto the ship. The halls were just like the films, white and arched. He felt as if he were running through a tube as he made his way to the main hold which was just as he had recalled it. He spotted it right away, the "chessboard" near a booth. He ran to take a seat there and turn the board on. It was not really Chess as the board was circular and the pieces were holographic. It was a battle game Max had no idea how to play but he had seen Luke and Han play multiple times in the original trilogy. He looked for the "on" button.

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