Bad Moon Rising

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Lena's POV

(Possible SPN season 10 spoilers ahead)

            The sounds of honking horns and the feeling of the rumbling ground jerked Lena awake. She sat up so quickly that her eyes filled with dots and her head spun. It took her a moment to regain enough focus to be utterly confused. She found herself on the side of a highway under a starless, black sky. Every now and then, a car would zoom past, its headlights momentarily blinding her. She lay in a patch of wet grass underneath a flickering street light.

            "What the hell?" she said to herself as she stood up and her heels sunk into the damp ground. Very suddenly, the events that had taken place in the bookshop came flooding back...yet the memory of what came after was very hazy.

            Utterly perplexed, Lena pulled her heels from the ground and waddled over to the pavement. She took its shine and texture as evidence that it had previously rained. The texture was quite beautiful and had she not been wandering about on an unknown highway at night, she may have photographed it for her collection. There was also an icy chill and the air and she hugged herself tightly. She began to walk the road and as she turned a corner she passed an illuminated white, wooden sign that read: "Welcome to Lebanon Kansas: Center of the 48 States".


            How had she gotten here? She was in a whole other state now, cold and alone

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            How had she gotten here? She was in a whole other state now, cold and alone. She began to feel something she rarely felt since she was a child, she missed her mother. She hadn't even said goodbye to her that morning before leaving for school. No, the last conversation they had was the night before and it wasn't a pleasant one.

            *flashback'* Lena had been sitting on her bed in her room. She hadn't even bothered to take off her soft, grey comforter. Instead, she sat crisscross applesauce, typing away on her Macbook with her Anatomy textbook open beside her. Her phone lay across the room on her desk. It kept buzzing with missed calls from Carter

Then, her bedroom door burst open. "Lena?" It was her mother. She wore her favored, ugly lime tracksuit. Anyone who knew Mrs. Watson knew that her children had gotten their good looks from her. Lena's raven black hair and green eyes were all gifts from her mother. They could have been twins if Mrs. Watson wasn't several shades darker in skin tone than Lena and much older.

"Mom, you can't just barge into my room." Lena scoffed, not looking up from her laptop.

"Sweetheart, It's my house, I can do as I please." Mrs. Watson replied, taking a seat at the base of her daughter's bed, "Now will you get off that thing? I need to talk to you."

"I have to do my homework." She replied curtly.

"Since when?" Mrs. Watson replied, shutting her daughter's computer.

Lena rolled her eyes, "Since I decided I want to go to college."

"Sweetheart," cooed Mrs. Watson, "I told you I'd get you into Princeton. You don't have to worry your pretty little face." She reached out and booped Lena's nose. Lena hated when she did this.

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