Dust in the Wind

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Carter's POV

"Let's roll!" said Max as he, Dean, and Natasha disappeared through the door to Marvel. The door to Tatooine, on the other hand, was still wide open. Han stood nearby, waiting impatiently for the rest. Carter took Lena's hand in his and led her over to the door, followed by Sam, Steve, Charlie, Quill, and Strange.

It was an immediate shift as they crossed the threshold from the moderate temperature of the hall to the hot desert planet of Tatooine. Carter had to drop Lena's hand almost immediately due to the heat. The suns beat down heavily onto the back of Carter's neck and he began to perspire. They were looking out at rolling, sandy hills with no sign of a town in sight.


"Let's go," said Charlie, eagerly, closing the door behind them.

"Good." Huffed Han, trudging past them all, "I'm looking to get as far away from this place as possible."

"Well hey, wait up." called Sam, "We need to stick together until we find your friends."

"Easy there, wampa," Han replied.


"None of you know this planet like I do," he replied, "so if you want to find your dragons or whatever, you can follow me. If not, I'll just be on my way." Han turned to leave but was stopped by Quill. Carter noticed that Quill had taken off his red jacket to reveal a grey shirt underneath. They had been in the desert not five minutes yet Quill already had pit stains. Carter decided to follow suit and removed his own jacket.

"Um, guys." Quill said, speaking up from the back of the group, "I've never seen a real dragon or anything but theoretically, they'd have scales and could fly, right?"

"Yeah..." said Lena.

"Okay yeah, so I'm looking at them right now," Quill replied, pointing at the sky. They all followed his finger to see two enormous flying dragons in the sky. In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, Luke, Leia, Chewie, and Lando could be seen on the dragon's backs. They soared high above as an explosion went off in the far distance. Carter was utterly perplexed.

"Perfect. " said Strange, beginning to draw an orange portal in the path of the dragons, "That saves us some time."

"Wait, what are you doing?" asked Carter.

"I'm going to send them straight back where they came from or is that not the plan?" Strange replied curtly.

"No, Luke and Leia are on the dragons." Sam said, grabbing Strange's arm, "They need to stay here. We need to go find them and then send the dragons back." The portal in the sky disappeared and the dragons flew out of sight. Han, seemingly fed up with everyone, took a seat in the hot sand, away from the group.

"But wait," said Lena, who had tied her hair up to beat the heat, "Hank said that Luka and Leia have never escaped the dragons before, let alone on the dragons."

"I don't remember." Carter shook his head.

Charlie, clearly impatient, pulled out MONICA "Well, let's just ask him," she said, holding down the button and speaking into the device, "Hank? Come in, Hank?"

"Yes? This is Hank." A croaky voice on the other end replied.

"Hi, this is Charlie. " said Charlie, "We're over here in Star Wars and well..." Quill took MONICA from Charlie's hand.

"Luke and Leia escaped on the dragons." Quill explained, "Has that ever happened before?"

"They've escaped on their own?" asked Hank, "No, they usually die without my interference. "

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