Max Watson and the Prisoner of Carbonite

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Max's POV

            Max slept well for the rest of the night in the Bunker as he dreamt about their upcoming trip to Hogwarts. While he didn't remember the plot of the movies all that well, he did remember enjoying them. Avery was a big fan of the books, Max knew because one time he tried to impress her by telling her he'd read all of them. Avery saw through his lie instantly when she asked him who the character of Peeves was and she did not know.

            The next morning, Max, his sister, and his new friends freshened up and made their way through an emerald green door towards the Wizarding World. They found themselves in a vast countryside staring at the ruins of what could once have been a castle. There was a sign over its entrance that said: DANGER, DO NOT ENTER, UNSAFE.

"I don't understand." Gamora said, "This doesn't look like a school."

"Muggles can't see Hogwarts." said Charlie excitedly. There were practically sparkles in her eyes.

"What's a muggle?" asked Cas.

Charlie turned to him, more than willing to answer his question. "Someone who isn't a witch or wizard. They don't have powers." She explained.

"I have powers," Cas replied.

"Not here you don't." Hank reminded him.

"What do you mean?" Cas asked, tilting his head, "I have all my grace back."

"But we aren't in your universe anymore."

"So what do we do now, Dumbledork?" Dean asked Charlie. He couldn't help but smile at her excitement.

"I'm not sure..." she began, "Maybe someone could let us in?"

"Precisely." Hank said before shouting at the top of his lungs at the entrance, "Albus! I've got something for you!" Hank then pulled from his robes a small vile. There appeared to be a silvery gas inside. For a few moments, nothing happened and then magic filled the air. The ruins of the old castle began to rebuild themselves without anyone touching them. Where there once had been a warning sign there was now a long stone bridge leading to a magnificent castle. Off in the distance, Max could see a field with large bubble-blower-shaped hoops. To the left of the bridge was a magnificent, serene lake. On the other side there appeared to be a large, tree with oddly shaped branches. Beyond that, there was a lush, dark forest.

"Wow." Sam smiled, "Dean, It's-it's Hogwarts!"


"I can't wait to meet Hermione!" Charlie exclaimed. Dean tried to look unimpressed but was failing miserably.

"You guys are such geeks." Max teased.

"Do you want to tell them about your Star Wars trip or should I?" his sister teased. He shot her a look. Then, appearing on the center of the bridge, out of thin air, was an old man. The eight of them made their way to meet him.

As they drew nearer, Max recognized the older man. He had a long, silver beard. His nose was crooked and he had bright blue eyes beneath half-moon spectacles.

"Albus!" Hank exclaimed, his arms open wide, "Albus Dumbledore!"

Dumbledore seemed slightly taken aback by the gesture, "To who do I owe this pleasure?"

"You know Dumbledore?" gawked Lena.

"What a weird name." Max heard Gamora say under her breath.

"Your name is Gamora." Dean murmured back.


"I'm afraid we haven't been properly acquainted." said Dumbledore, his long, purple robes sparkling in the sunlight, "But I do have the most curious feeling we've met before. Do you happen to be related to Mrs. Waybim? I purchase my socks from her shop."

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