X Marks the McGuffin

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Avery's POV

"Let's roll!" shouted Max. Avery looked over at Hank who smiled, knowingly, and gave her an approving nod.

She took a deep breath and followed Cas and Peter through the emerald green door and onto the hot sandy beach of an island. They closed the door behind them and gazed at their surroundings.


A gentle hum of birds chirping came from the green jungle behind them. In front of them, sleek waves crashed upon the soft sand. The gentle, salty ocean breeze worked to counter the blazing sun.

"This is going to be an adventure," Avery said under her breath.

"Adventures are fun. Trust me." Peter smiled, nudging her, "Loosen up a bit." She nodded, determined to be the adventurous leader her grandfather thought her to be.

"Okay," she said, thinking out loud, "so we're looking for either the Elder Wand or the Book of the Damned."

"Okay cool." Peter replied, "So where do you think it might be?"

"I don't know," Avery said.

"You don't know?" Cas exclaimed, already taking off his beige trench coat to combat the heat, "I thought you said you knew this movie."

"Well, it depends on which movie it is." Avery said quickly, "It could be Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which I barely remember. Come to think of it, 4 is kind of a blur too."

"And you're just telling us this now?" said Peter.

"We're in the middle of the Caribbean." huffed Cas, looking out at the deep blue ocean, "This is going to be like finding a needle in a haystack."

"I'm sure if we find Jack Sparrow, he'll help us," Avery reassured.

"Is that his ship?" asked Peter. Avery looked to where he was pointing. Off in the distance, a large pirate ship had emerged from the depths of the sea. It had tattered sails and it looked as if teeth had been carved into its bow. It was haunting as water cascaded down its side.

"No." Avery replied, her breath catching in her throat as she recognized the ship, "That's the bad guy's ship, the Flying Dutchman."

"That doesn't sound good," Peter said.

"It's not," Avery said, running the plot of Pirates of the Caribbean in her mind. The Flying Dutchman only appeared in the second and third films so that narrowed it down somewhat.

"Why would they name a ship the Flying Dutchman?" asked Cas, squinting at the anchoring ship, "Sailing is quite the opposite of flying. Why not the Floating Dutchman or-"

"I'll explain as we run," Avery exclaimed, taking both Peter and Cas by the hands and attempting to pull them off into the jungle, but they did not budge.

"Run where?" asked Cas.

"Avery, what's going on?" Peter asked. They both looked at her with furrowed brows and she realized just how lost they were in this universe. Cas had likely never seen these films and Peter obviously did not recall much from them. Avery realized that this journey would be much more difficult if she didn't fill them in. She took a deep breath.

"Okay so long story short," she began, speaking very quickly, "the Flying Dutchman is commanded by Davy Jones, the bad guy. He put his heart in a chest and locked it with a key. If you get the chest and the key then you can stab the heart and kill the bad guy. Lots of people want the chest including Jack Sparrow- good guy, and Will Turner- also a good guy, and Elizabeth- his fiancée and a good guy." She finally drew breath and looked anxiously towards the Dutchman.

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