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2 weeks later, New Year's Eve


"Hurry up, slowpoke!" Avery called. She sat in the driver's seat of her grandmother's van. Max, of course, sat in the passenger's seat and Lena in the back. Carter was dawdling on his path from his front door to the car. Lena smiled a rolled her eyes.

"Max, it's your turn for the Aux," Avery said, handing Max the plug.

"Sweet!" Max exclaimed.

"I'll take that," Carter said once he had gotten in the car and he snatched the Aux cord from Max's hand. Max was used to this by now. They always ended up skipping his turn because they couldn't stand his constant Ed Sheeran picks. Carter always had something new to play. As Avery drove through town this New Year's Eve, Carter blasted an oldie but a goodie "Carry On Wayward Song".

Max and Avery screamed the lyrics at the top of their lungs, laughing in the front seat. Lena merely bobbed her head.

"Nice outfit." she said to Carter, "Whoever helped you pick it out has excellent taste." Carter had cleaned up nice, throwing on a tie underneath his leather jacket. The party's dress code was SEMI-formal after all. Carter smiled at Lena's compliment.

"It's erm...nice." joked Avery.

Lena swatted her playfully from behind, "Shut up."


            By the time they got to the bookshop, it was packed. Even though it had only just opened that week, it was already one of the top studying spots for the local students perhaps due to its proximity to the high school. The Stefanson's had invited everyone to their New Year's Eve/ belated Grand Opening celebration and despite the small size of the shop, everyone came (except the fire marshal apparently).

            Avery was stationed at the punch bowl, alongside her grandparents who were keeping up with the demand for snacks, when Mr. Carter approached. He was wearing his business suit, and so Avery judged that perhaps he had just come from a late night at the office- or perhaps from a late-night rendezvous with a random woman based on what Carter would tell her.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stefansson. Avery." He said, sliding past the dancing teenagers. Carter, who had been dancing with Lena, stopped everything when he saw his father, who he assumed had most likely come to ruin his night.

"Dad," he said, making his way over, "I didn't know you were stopping by."

            "Just wanted to say Happy New Year and drop off a little present." Mr. Carter said and reached into his jacket pocket for a folded piece of paper, "It's the plans for the new mall. I thought you might enjoy the concept art."

"It's wonderful." smiled Hank, surprising both Avery and Carter, "I'm glad we could come to an agreement."

"What agreement?" Avery scoffed. Last she remembered, Mr. Carter had wanted to buy and tear down their shop.

"Ordinary World will remain as part of the new mall." Her grandmother explained.

"I'd even call it the centerpiece." Mr. Carter smiled with pearly white teeth, "Take a look for yourself, young lady, I think you'll be pleased." Hank handed Avery the concept art. It was of the outside of their shop, but a fountain had been drawn in front of it. People with shopping bags walked by to a nearby food court. Despite her dislike for Mr. Carter, Avery couldn't deny that this agreement would be perfect for business.

"Alright, bye Dad." Carter snarked. Mr. Carter looked like he wanted to say something but decided not to. He instead waved them all goodbye and left. Carter felt the heat in his cheeks rise as he watched him go. But that anger washed away when he felt the gentle touch on his shoulder.

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