The Soul Stone

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Max's POV


            Shuri's lab was gorgeous, not that Max had long to take it in. It was sleek and modern with screens and prototypes of inventions everywhere. The walls that weren't covered in screens were covered in beautiful and modern African-style paintings. She had a window overlooking an underground train system. But evidently, this train was not currently running. Shuri, T'Challa's younger sister, had jumped from her chair when the Avengers, in full garb, rushed her workspace.

 Shuri, T'Challa's younger sister, had jumped from her chair when the Avengers, in full garb, rushed her workspace

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            "I need my ship." T'Challa said, "We have an emergency."

"Brother." Shuri replied, matching T'Challa's urgent tone, "Your ship isn't ready for space travel yet! I haven't finished the upgrades-"

"I do not have time for upgrades," T'Challa replied. The ship they spoke of sat on the outside of Shuri's lab near the train tracks. It was big and black with glowing purple accents.

"My King!" exclaimed Okoye, "Are we going to risk everything for this girl?"

"Wanda's powerful but she's going to need help." said Steve, "We can't just let her go it alone."

"Agreed. " said Rhodey, "But shouldn't we come up with a plan? A second ago we were all over the place." Looking around, they still were all over the place. Not everyone looked like they were ready to rush into another fight with Thanos so soon. Tony and Bucky weren't even among them. Although, Max figured it was best if those two didn't cross paths.

"Save Wanda. Get the Compass. There's our plan." Steve said and Rhodey nodded.

"In that?" Max asked, pointing to the ship. The purple lights had begun to spew purple sparks.

"I told you it needs to upgrade!" Shuri argued, "It won't make it through Earth's atmosphere."

"We don't need a ship." said Thor, tossing and catching his ax, "Come with me."

"Oh no." Rocket complained as Thor led them out of the lab and back up the stairs from which they had come from, "I'm not going all the way to Vormir to save some girl I've never even met and get my butt kicked."

"Even if he has your ship?" Max asked. Rocket looked up at him but didn't say anything.

"What exactly is the plan here?" asked Dean as Thor brought them all outside of the palace.

"Hold on tight." He said. Max expected people to be more hesitant and awkward in fulfilling Thor's request. But the urgency of the situation bypassed this and Steve, Nat, Rocket, and Bruce in the Hulkbuster suit grabbed onto Thor while everyone else, including Dean and Max, grabbed onto them.

Once everyone had a grip, Thor held the ax high above him, and then Max's line of vision was filled with color. Red, orange, blue, yellow, purple, and green lights danced around him as he felt his feet leave the ground. It felt as though a hook behind his naval had jerked him upwards through a tight pipe. Having seen Willy Wonka many times as a kid, Max wondered if this was what the fat kid felt like when he got sucked up the chocolate tube.

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