Invisible - Lola Perez & Jenny Parker

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It was one Friday night when Lola completely accidentally found out about Jenny's struggles.

"Jen, I'm officially firing you from being my roommate. You keep being five minutes late on our official night of relaxation," Lola called, her mirthful and mischievous tone lacing her every word as Jenny came into the apartment and headed for her bedroom, the nearest space to the living room.

However, to Lola's surprise, Jenny never replied. Lola furrowed her brow, looking back in the direction of the blonde. It was a very rare day indeed that Jenny did not have something to say to her in return.

But Lola quickly came to the conclusion that Jenny must be trying to play some game of wills with her. So, naturally, Lola decided to play along, her entire face lighting up into a giant grin with the thought of getting to aggravate her favorite person in the world.

"Y'know, I might get Chris to give you a ticket for your excessively pokey driving!" Lola called, and Jenny did not respond to that statement either. Lola pursed her lips, intrigued by how despite the fact that Lola was picking on the blonde's driving, Jenny was acting as if she were deaf.

Lola got up from her seat on the couch and headed into Jenny's room.

"Hey, Henny Jenny," Lola piped up, using the particular nickname that Jenny hated so intensely. To her surprise, she still did not get a reply. Lola was actually starting to worry a little about the blonde. Was there something that the Latina had done to her?

"Do you have a corn cob stuffed up your rear end or what, because luckily for you, I am specially trained in removing things like that—"

"What is your problem?! Why won't you just leave me alone?!" Jenny screamed suddenly, spinning on her heel and glaring at Lola as best as she could considering the fact that tears were streaming down her face.

Lola recoiled, feeling all of her good feelings shrink down to practically nothing. Lola looked at Jenny in something between intense worry and slight fear at the girl's tone.

"I'm sorry, Jen, I was just kidding," the Latina expressed, her voice much softer.

"Yeah, everybody claims 'kidding,' but guess what?! It still hurts!!!" Jenny exclaimed, and Lola suddenly felt her heart fall to the floor as she had the strongest feeling in her gut. Something was not right with Jenny and Lola could not help but wonder.

"Who's everybody?" Lola questioned suspiciously, tilting her head slightly as she made her inquiry. It was at that moment that Jenny seemed to realize that she had slipped up.

"It's nobody,"

"That's a paradox?" Lola questioned tentatively, carefully trying out one of the words that Jenny had used so often when Lola seemed to contradict herself, and Jenny looked at her strangely. Lola shrugged defensively.

"What? I pay attention to your weird nerd talk," Lola joked, hoping that they might be on the cusp of moving on from this terrible incident. However, it was very clear that they were far from moving on as Jenny's eyes welled up with tears.

"You think I'm a nerd, too?" Jenny heartbrokenly questioned, and Lola's eyes widened as she shook her head. The Latina stepped forward, truly unsure of what to do but desperately searching for a solution.

"No! I was just—"

"And after all we've been through together... Do you have any idea what I'm going through?!" Jenny demanded, and Lola straightened, finding herself quite worried for Jenny's wellbeing but deciding that the only way to find out what was wrong was if she directly engaged with the confrontation.

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