Zoo - Descendants Girls

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   "Is there some reason that you guys always insist on going someplace where there are disgusting animals?" Audrey questioned, glaring grumpily at the elephant that had suddenly took a giant dump in the middle of the enclosure. She resisted the urge to gag, swallowing hard in an attempt to regain control of herself.

They had all elected to go to the zoo for one of their regular meetings. Well, everyone except Audrey, of course. But no one had wanted to disappoint Evie and Jane because they were so genuinely excited to see the animals. Of course, Mal and Uma wanted to see the strange creatures as well, despite Audrey's demands that they do something else.

"Just look at the bright side, Audrey. These are all in cages!" Evie cheerily announced, smiling widely in that typical Evie-esque manner. Uma gave Audrey a onceover before shaking her head.

"Well, all except for Audrey," Uma noted aloud, and Audrey growled under her breath, already deciding that this trip really was not that fun.

"Ugh... Let's just move on from the elephants. It's absolutely disgusting and doesn't even have enough decency to hide somewhere and poop," Audrey proclaimed, strutting away from the enclosure, pulling Jane along with her. Jane willingly went along with her tugs, and the rest of the girls followed suit.

Soon enough, they arrived at the lions. Mal leaned forward a bit in her excitement, her body hanging slightly over the ledge as she looked at the great majestic creatures. However, she suddenly felt a hand grab the back of her shirt. It didn't pull her back, but it was keeping a firm hold on her. Mal glanced at the person, and quickly realized it was Evie.

"Sorry, M, just trying to make sure you stay safe," Evie told her, smiling a bit, and Mal narrowed her eyes a little. However, she smiled just a bit, appreciating Evie's good intentions but wishing the older girl was not quite so ridiculously protective.

"Y'know, I wish we could see them feed the animals," Mal expressed, and Evie nodded wistfully, thinking the same thing as she rubbed Mal's back gently while making sure that her fingers were still tightly wound around Mal's shirt.

"We could," Uma told her, and the two sisters looked to Uma curiously.

"Do you want to throw in Jane or Audrey?" Uma questioned, and Mal laughed while Evie just rolled her eyes. Jane looked rather terrified at the idea, and Audrey just took off walking again, deciding she was through with this enclosure as well. She was quite honestly simply trying to get through the zoo as quickly as she could. She did not want to be there, and moreover, she did not want every single animal to be turned into a joke against her.

"Oh, boy... Where are we going next, your Highness?" Uma asked sarcastically, and Mal snorted slightly at the mocking title. Audrey quickly stopped in front of a flamingo area. She figured that Uma honestly could not make fun of her with these animals.

"Oh, wow! Look, those birds have the same bad fashion taste as you!!" Uma laughed joyfully, and Audrey groaned loudly.

"Why do you keep making me the butt of every joke?!!!"

"You do know her, right?" Mal questioned, and Evie snickered under her breath, trying to keep herself from laughing too much so that she would not provoke the princess. Mal smirked at her sister, enjoying the entire situation. Audrey rolled her eyes, looking at the birds grumpily.

"They've even got a beak just like yours!" the pirate proclaimed cheekily. Audrey just sighed, accepting the fact that Uma was not going to stop her jokes any time soon.

"Can we just go already?"

"Don't you want to appreciate the grace and beauty of the pink flamingo?" Evie asked much too innocently, and Audrey narrowed her eyes before moving on to the next enclosure. In this one, there was a large orange ape perched on a tree not too far from the fence.

"Hey, Audrey, look!!! There's your uncle!" Uma cried, pointing at the orangutan with a laugh, and Audrey narrowed her eyes, completely unimpressed with the pirate.

"Have you lost your mind?" Audrey questioned, and Uma just tilted her head a little.

"Look, they say that people were descended from apes, so it could be your uncle in there," Uma pointed out with a shrug, and Audrey rolled her eyes.

"Normal people aren't related to ugly things like that," Audrey acknowledged with a shrug, and the orangutan suddenly glared at them. Jane's eyes widened as she realized that the creature was staring at them. Jane looked between the orangutan and the four girls next to her worriedly, debating on whether she should say anything.

Evie and Mal were distracted by their own enjoyment of Audrey and Uma's exchange.

"Doug has to be," Uma mumbled, leaning close to the rest of them with a wicked grin, and Audrey nodded wholeheartedly.

"That's true," Audrey conceded, and Mal nodded wholeheartedly.

"I second that motion," Mal expressed, squeezing Evie's hand affectionately. With a slight sigh, Jane finally decided to tug on Audrey's sleeve in an attempt to get her attention. Audrey looked to her curiously, trying to see what the fairy wanted.

"Audrey, that orangutan looks creepy," Jane pointed at the creature, and jumped in fear as she realized that two more of the apes had materialized next to the original, all of them glaring at the five girls.

"Is it just me, or are all of them giving us the stink eye?" Mal questioned carefully to Evie, and Evie nodded her head slowly.

"Yeah. They actually look a lot like they do on documentaries. They usually have that face right before they pelt people with their own—"

The orangutans suddenly started chucking fresh poop toward the girls, and Audrey screeched at the top of her lungs as the projectiles came flying toward them. Uma ducked suddenly.

"WOAH!!!" Uma cried, and Evie yelped as poop came frighteningly close to hitting her in the face. Mal was ducking, but at the same time, she was cackling like a madwoman as the poop went flying at everyone around. Mal pulled on Evie's hand that she was holding, and they hurried away quickly, moving out of the line of fire. Jane quickly followed suit with Uma swiftly behind her.

However, they suddenly realized that Audrey had not come with them. But before they could turn to look at her, Audrey let loose with a blood-curdling scream. They all spun to look at her quickly, and to their utmost surprise, there was fresh dung splattered on her face as she hurried over to them.

"IT GOT ON MY FACE!!!!" Audrey screamed, and they all just stared at her for a long moment.

And then all except Audrey fell into stitches as they laughed their behinds off.

Thank you to @Cord905loverStuff for the request! I hope you guys enjoyed this one! I may or may not have laughed a little too much while writing it. 😅

Please let me know what you guys thought!!! 😊💖 I know that I've got several more that I have to do, but I am working as fast as I can, lol.

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