Phil's POV-31

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"PHILLIP!" I heard Dan shout from the kithen. "PHILLIP MICHAEL LESTER!"

"What is it?" I replied, pausing the TV. It had been two days since the night we had had together, but for some reason we had become more distant and awlward around each other.

"DID YOU EAT THE LAST SLICE OF PIZZA?" He asked, sounding mad.

".... no." I dragged, pressing my lips together. "I saved it for you." I lied.

Dan appeared in the doorway and glared at me. "Liar." He said quietly before jumping on me and kissing me. "But you're a sexy one, so it's fine."

I sighed and ran my fingers through his straightened hair. He really needed to stop straughtening it and let the curls show; they were so cute! "Dan, not tonight please." I breathed, slowly pushing him away. I don't know why I did it, but everything in my body was telling me not to, so I didn't.

Hurt flashed in his eyes as he sat up. "You didn't want to last night either. Was the other night too much? Did I scare you? I'm sorry if I did-"

"No, Dan, the other night was the best night of my life, but I've just not been in the mood lately." I avoided his eyes, guilty that I had hurt him, but he couldn't always have what he wanted. "Stop it, Dan. Yoh can't push me to do something I don't want to do!" That came out a bit too harsh.

"Fine." Dan stood up and marched out of the room, his posture bent and tense.

I was tempted to shout after him and apologize, but instead I continued to watch the TV like nothing had happened. At 10:00 I went to bed and curled up into the pillows, everything extremely silent and dark, and I did fall asleep, but yet again Dan's screaming woke me. This time I didn't rush out of bed: I dragged myself out and stumbled into his room, wiping my eyes. He was there, rolling around and clutching his side as if he were in pain, loud screams forcing their way out of his throat. He arched his back, clawing at his skin until he bled, and this time I rushed over, taking his hands in mine and holding him until he stilled. Tears soaked his cheeks, but his eyes didn't open. He snored softly, clearly asleep, and I grumbled in annoyance, something I would never do but did anyway. What was wrong with me?

"Phil." Dan moaned, his eyes still closed. "You promised. You promised." He whispered, sobbing in sleep. "You said you would never leave me." Then he grabbed his hair and tore at it, yelling and shouting. I pried his hands away, very scared now. "You bastard!" He cursed, kicking out.

"Dan!" I pleaded, pinning him down. "Dan, you're dreaming, it's ok! I'm here Dan!"

"Stop lying! You left me!" He screamed, yet he wasn't awake. I had never left him. After two more minutes of crying and swearing, he finally went limp and peeked a look at me. He tried to pull away, but I pressed my lips to his and whispered:

"It's alright, you were dreaming. It's me and I've never left you. I never will."

He relaxed and kissed me back, still crying. I ran my hand down his spine and, with a giggle, whispered in his ear, "Kablam."

He chuckled. "I had another one Phil. They're all of you leaving me or doing something horrible to me. You won't ever do that, will you?"

"How many times do I have to tell you? I will never leave you, or do anything to hurt you. I swear down on the sun, the moon and the stars. I swear down on the very earth beneath our feet and the sky above our heads. Dammit, I swear on us." I silenced him with a kiss again. "Because there's nothing more real than our love."

A tiny voice at the back of my head was telling me to pull away and break up with him and that I deserved better, but I ignored it and cuddled into Dan. "Sleep now." I ordered. This time he didn't complain.


"Chris is on the phone." Dan told me the next day, the little rectangular object held out to me. I took it and spoke into the reciever.

"Hey Chris." I greeted cheerfully, glad to be talking to him in ages.

"Phillip Lester!" He whooped joyfully. "I'm so glad you're 'ere! I got some excitin' news mate! Me boyfriend and I are gettin' married!"

Chris was gay? Since when had Chris been gay? "That's great Chris!" I grinned, truly happy despite that they probably hadn't been together long.

"Can you 'n' Dan come? An' can u be meh best man? PJ still needs ta meet ya!"

"I'd be honoured, Chris. Where and when is it?" I asked, ready to scribble down the details.

"America." Chris said shyly, waiting for my shocked response.

"Um... ok." I wrote it down hesitantly. "What part?"

"Las Vegas." He laughed nervously. "I guess you can't come then? That's you and my parents. It'll be fine, though."

The sadness in his voice threw me off. "I can come, Chris. We'll be there. When is it?"

"Two weeks today." His voice had changed from extremely heart-broken to beyond excited. "I'll have the suit made for you an' the shoes 'nd everything an'-"

"Hey, man, I can't wait to come. Congrats but I gotta go now. I'll give you a call next week, ok?"

"Ok. Bye!" He hung up and I tossed the phone onto the couch, wondering where on Earth I would get the money to go to America.

"What did he want?" Dan came in with his mac.

"He's invited us to his wedding. I agreed we'd go." I shuffled my feet nervously.

"That's great. When is it?"

"Two weeks today." I mumbled, waiting for the next question.

It came. "Where is it?"

"Um... a little bit west from here, sort of across a large amount of water..." I waited for it to click in his mind.

He frowned. "Bristol? Do we have to across the Thames?"

I faceplamed. "No, idiot. A bit further. A much bigger large amount of water."

His eyes widened in understanding. "Ohhh. Ugh, why do we have to go that far? Oh well, I'm sure it wouldn't cost much."

I stared at him in shock. "It will cost lots!"

He sighed in annoyance."What are you talking about, Phil? We could just get a ferry over-"

"A ferry?" I gasped. Was he joking or what? "Dan, we have to cross the Atlantic!"

"Do you know your oceans, Phil?" Dan grumbled. "We have to cross the Irish Sea which isn't too big so a ferry would be fine and-"

"Dan?" I stopped him. "Where do you think I mean?"

"Well, Ireland, obviously. It's west from here, across a large amount of water and further from Bristol." He drew his eyebrows together. "That is what you were thinking, right? Because there's nothing between England and the next country other than Ireland, other than the Atlantic..." He glared at me. "You agreed that we'd go to America? Phil, do you know how much that would cost? We can't afford it!"

"I know I know, but Chris sounded really sad as his parents are coming and he asked me to be the best man and-"

"Phil, oh Phil." He sighed and shook his head. "You and your soft heart. Fine, we can go, but I don't know how we're gunna afford it."

I wrapped by my arms around him, giggling with excitement. "Thank you so much! I'll try to get the money, I promise."

"Don't turn into one of those annoying people on the side of the road singing and dancing, please."

"You meen buskers? I won't, don't worry."

"Good." He grinned.

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