Phil's POV- 11

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I turned to Dan with an excited smile, my hand curled around mu suitcase. I had been preparing everything for this day, and that included what I was wearing, what I would say and where I would stand. I would stand next to Dan at all times. I had chosen to wear the usual black skinny jeans and a Nyan Cat shirt, with navy blue sneakers and mismatching socks. I had a bad habbit of wearing odd socks.

"Do you have your passport?" Dan asked me, ruffling his straight brown hair.

I nodded. "Yep. I have everything I need."

"Good. Do you want to grab a coffee?" He pointed at the starbucks.

"Is that even a question?" I fished out the last couple of English coins I had and we walked up to the woman behind the counter. We ordered a cup of coffee each and took it back to where Dan's family were waiting, looking impatient. Adrian was sitting aginst the wall, reading a manga book he had bought for the flight. His dark hair, unlike Dan's, was messy and unbrushed.

"Come on then, boys. Let's go." Dan's mum said cheerfully, beaming. She was dressed for the hot weather: a light pink beech dress and sunglasses. "Phil, do you want a travel sickness tablet?"

"Um, yes please." I accepted the little round object and shoved it into my mouth, downing it with the coffee. "Thank you." I shoved the empty cup into the bin and stood next to Dan who was watching his parents sort out the tickets and passports. His brown eyes were sunken and exhausted, but he was smiling. I could tell it was fake. Dan hated his family. The only reason he was going was because I was. My shoulder brushed his and he gave me an odd look. I stepped away, trying to control my emotions.

"Dan! Phil! Time to go!"

I followed them down the passage towards the plane, biting my bottom lip nervously. I had never been abroad. In less than a minute I was shaking. Fear was coursing through me. What if it crashed? What if there was a murderer on it? What if I left something I needed? I began to slow down, falling behind them, and watched Dan's head bob away. Someone shouldered me and I stumbled. Tripping over my untied shoelaces, I fell to the floor where someone else stood on my fingers. I whimpered, wanting to go home, until I felt a hand clamp around mine. I ganced up through a blurry vision, and suddenly two deep dark eyes were staring into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let him help me up.

"Dan... I'm scared." I whimpered, removing my hands away to my sides.

He smiled shyly. "There's nothing to be scared about! It's only a few hours in the sky, and we go inside the clouds and it's amazing! Come on please, Phil."

I nodded, matching my breaths to his. "Okay. I'm fine. Okay." I took hold of his wrist and, together, we took our seats on the plane.

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