Chapter 15: I've Always Wanted To Marry You

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“Damn it Zayn!” I heard Annie curse from the bathroom. “The old hickeys were just starting to fade. Nora is going to be furious!”

I couldn’t help but snicker.

“Stop laughing Zayn,” Annie rushed out stomping from the bathroom. “We are all having lunch and my foundation won’t cover up these stupid hickeys.”

“Stupid hickeys?” I asked raising an eyebrow and advancing towards her. “As I recall from last night you begged me to mark you as mine.” I continued to advance step by step pushing her back towards the wall as I spoke.

“So I merely did as you asked.” Another step closer.

“And you moaned as I did it.” A few more steps.

“There was also that sexy little gasp you made when I but your neck right by your gorgeous little ear.” I now had her pinned to the wall. She was trembling and her face was flushed. It felt just like old times. Even after all that jealous mess with Nathan the heat was still there.

“Z—Zayn,” she choked out. Her hands were slammed against the wall as if she was forcing herself to not touch me. It was cute. “What are you doing?”

“Honey, if I have to explain it then I must be too subtle. Want me to show you?” I crept closer breathing against her neck.

“L—lunch,” she stammered out.

“They can wait.” I started to pepper the love bites with small, soft kisses.

“Jesus Zayn,” a familiar Doncaster accent called out from behind me. “Give the girl a break. She already looks like she has hives thanks to you.”

“Shut up Lou,” I said pulling away with a light chuckle. Annie darted away and returned moments later wearing a high collar shirt and a scarf. I held in a snicker at her attempt to cover the marks. “Why are you here?”

“Well, Nora was going to come and see what was taking so long,” he replied. “I managed to intercept her. We don’t want a repeat of the last time she found you two in a compromising position.”

The last time Nora had caught us together had been the first time we had ever made love. She had pulled Annie and I apart. Miraculously I had got her back. I wasn’t about to lose her again.

“Can we just go now?” Annie groaned. I guess she had resigned herself to not being able to hide the marks I gave her last night.

“In just a minute,” Louis pouted. “I need you both to do something for me.”

“Lou, do you really need our help?” I whined. “Is this about Niall and Ammie?”

“No,” Louis smiled. “I’m not telling. On Friday I need you in your best suit Zayn. Oh and Annie there is a dress in your closet for you. In the blue bag.”

“Lou, what are you talking about?” Annie asked. “Why do we need to dress up?”

“Just do it,” he snapped. “Oh and hold onto these.” He placed a small box in my hand. “Now let’s go. All this planning is making me hungry.”

“Planning what?” I asked, but he ignored me walking out of the room.

“What’s in the box?” Annie asked snatching it up and pulling it open. I peered over her shoulder letting out a small breath.

“Are—“ I stuttered almost unable to say it. “Are those wedding rings?” Annie nodded. “Who the hell are they for?”


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