Chapter 16: I Thought You Would Be Happy For Me

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[AN: My tacos were yummy. Now onto more story!]


Annie’s going to be a mom. Dante is starting out on his dream as a dancer. And once I mail these college applications I will be on my way to study music theory. I had finally figured out what I wanted out of my life. I wanted to become a professor of music theory. But even more than that I wanted to become Mrs. Liam Payne. I had even doodled it all over a notebook of mine yesterday like some infatuated teenage girl. It took me only seconds to drop the completed applications into the mailbox. Now to go a get my man.

“You have a key Samantha,” Liam said when he saw me at the door to his flat a few minutes later.

“No ‘I’ve missed you so much baby?’” I teased. He frowned moving aside and letting me in. “Why are you so grumpy Liam?”

“I’m not grumpy,” he pouted.

“Could have fooled me.” I pushed past him stepping into the flat.

“I just—where have you been? You left right after lunch without telling me anything. You haven’t answered any of my calls. Dante isn’t with you either, and someone could have come after you. I’ve been worried.” I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn’t laugh at him. He was such a worrywart sometimes. There was no need to be afraid anymore. My bastard of a father is in jail with no hopes of ever being released. Unfortunately Liam was still incredibly paranoid sometimes.

“You are too cute when you go all Daddy Direction on me.” His face flushed angrily. He hated when I brought out that nickname. He had worked hard over our time together to be more impulsive and less overprotective.

“I am not going Daddy Direction on you! You’ve been missing for—“

“Two hours Liam. A measly two hours. Now stop freaking out. I have something I need to tell you.”

“Well it seemed a lot longer,” he blustered making me snicker again. He was just too cute when he worried about me.

“Babe, I have news.”

“Fine. What is it?”

“I’m going to college!”

“You’re what?!?” Well that wasn’t the reaction I expected. Didn’t he want this?


College? I know I said to go after her dreams, but I couldn’t survive her going to college. What if she went to a University in the States? She would be away for at least four years. If I couldn’t handle her being away for two hours how could I possibly handle four years? I didn’t want to go through what Harry and Niall had already gone through.

“I thought you would be happy for me,” Samantha said weakly. “I—I guess I was wrong.” Is she going to cry? Oh God. I’m making her cry.

“Sam, honey, that’s not it at all,” I stuttered. How do I explain this all to her?

“Then what is it?” She looked pissed now. All trace of tears gone. Come on Liam, say something. An angry Samantha is not a good thing. It’s almost as scary as an angry Nora.

“It’s just—I’m going to miss you if you go off to college. And what if what happened to Carrie and Harry happens to us? Or what about what happened to Niall and Ammie? I can’t risk that.”

“So you think I’ll cheat?”

“No.” Dang. She looked even madder now.

“Oh. So you think I’ll become paranoid and start stalking you thinking you are cheating on me while I’m gone?”

“No.” This was totally going wrong.

“So you’re planning to cheat on me?”

“No!” She was going to throttle me soon.

“Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, I would miss you too?” Wait. She’s not mad? My head hurts.

“You—you would?”

“Yes, you idiot! I applied for colleges and music conservatories here in London. I was actually planning to do most of my courses online so I could follow you guys when you travel.”

“You are?”

“Yes. So do you want to try this again?” I nodded mutely. “Liam, great news! I’m going to college to study music theory and one day become a music teacher.”

“I’m really happy for you baby,” I smiled. She stood there tapping her foot. “Was there something else Samantha?”

“My ring,” she calmly stated holding her left hand out. “This is the part where you get down on one knee and ask me to marry you. I met your condition remember?” She pointed to the floor as if she expected me to immediately do her bidding. That wasn’t going to happen.

“No, I’m not proposing,” I calmly replied. It wasn’t that easy.


“W—what?” He had to be joking! I met his stupid condition. I did this all for him! I mean, sure, it’s my dream and everything, but I only discovered it because of him.

“Samantha, stop thinking so hard,” Liam chuckled. I’m standing here freaking out and he’s laughing?

“I thought you wanted to marry me!”

“I do.” Okay, now I was confused.

“Then why—“

“You haven’t completed the requirement yet. I want you to go after your dreams first. You’ve barely started.”


“I will be there on bended knee at your graduation Samantha. Trust me.”

“Would you stop interrupt—did you just say you are going to propose?”

“Yes,” he replied smiling as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “I will be there on graduation day to propose. And one day soon after that we’ll get married and adopt kids of our own.”

“Adopt?” I never talked to him about how much I wanted to adopt kids before.

“I’ve never asked, but I always just assumed you would want to adopt. If not, we could have kids of our own.” I thought back to Annie earlier hugging the toilet as she emptied the contents of her stomach.

“I don’t want to be puking in a toilet like Annie. I really would love to adopt. To help a kid realize their dream of having a family.” I wanted all kids to have what I had now. People who love them unconditionally and want the best for them.

“Good.” And I just stood there in his arms enveloped in his scent. I loved when Liam held me. I could feel all his love pour out of him and wash over me. He cared. He really cared about me. I never had to doubt that he would always be here for me. Always. “Did you just say Annie was puking?”

“I was waiting for you to notice that.”

“So does this mean Annie is?”

“Pregnant? Yup.” My heart turned over again at the sight of his soft smile.

“Nora is going to kill Zayn,” Liam chuckled.

“Let them deal with that.  I think we should celebrate,” I purred as I slid my hands under his jumper accidentally knocking an envelope from his pocket. “What is that?”

“Oh,” Liam bent down to pick up the small white envelope with his name scrawled across it. “Louis dropped by with it a little while ago. He also dropped off a dress for you. We are supposed to go to the address he texts me tomorrow.”


“How should I know? He’s Louis.”

“Point taken.”

“So tell me about the colleges you applied to.”

“In a minute,” I said before kissing him deeply.

One Year Headed In One Direction (Sequel to One Month)Where stories live. Discover now