Chapter 1: We Can Live Happily Ever After

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[AN: So I still need to finish “Breaking Your Own Heart,” but I am posting this first chapter as a sequel to “One Month.” Then I am going to work on finishing “Breaking” as soon as possible so I can post more. I hope you like this! This one will have everyone’s POVs so you can see what they have all been up to! So without further ado here is the first chapter of “One Year Headed in One Direction!”]


“Louis, this has got to be your dumbest idea yet,” I groaned as he scurried up the tree.

“Be nice,” Sam said linking her arm in mine. “I think it makes it more romantic.”

“Yeah,” Lou shot back as he started hanging streamers from the tree he was currently sitting in. “If I hadn’t had the brilliant idea to choose Sam and Annie’s video you would be all sad and alone. You should be thanking me.”

“You chose that video because you thought Nora was hot,” I shot back.

“But she was in their video right?” He was now hanging upside down from the tree like some sort of monkey. Classic Louis. “Do you guys think I put enough streamers on the tree?” Sam studied the tree critically as if she was in some art museum. We had come here to help Louis set up for his sixth marriage proposal. That’s right. Sixth.

Nora, Annie, and Samantha had moved to London almost nine months ago. They had settled in nicely and were currently trying to convince Ammie and Carrie to move out here as well. Unfortunately, both of the girls had to stay and complete their final year at University, but they had promised to visit this summer. Needless to say, Harry and Niall were more than excited for their arrival next month. Zayn and Annie were never more than a few feet apart since coming back here to London. She was at every performance standing at the side of the stage cheering him on. Just him. Annie was incredibly loyal to Zayn. I don’t think there is anyone that could ever interest her more than Zayn to be honest. Not that they were ever apart for someone to try. Nora always joked that Zayn slept over at their apartment more than he did his own. Sam and I were still going strong. All the fans on Twitter keep asking when we’re going to get married. I think we’re a little young for that, but I wouldn’t mind if the girl was Sam. But back to Louis’ proposal.

Louis has spent the last three months trying to propose to Nora. And he hasn’t been failing because Nora says no. In fact, I don’t think he’s ever had the chance to even ask her the question. Something always seems to happen to mess it up. It’s like a string of bad luck is preventing him from actually asking her. The first proposal was very simple. He took Nora out to a romantic dinner. Right as he got the nerve up to ask her Nora raced to the bathroom. Food poisoning. He tried to be more grandiose for the second proposal. They went out on a boat in Spain. Louis pulled out the ring and dropped off the side of the boat into the water. I suspect a fish has eaten it by now. The same routine keeps happening over and over again. Louis comes up with a special proposal and it gets ruined somehow.

This time, with our help, he had set up a picnic blanket under a tree. For some reason he had decided that the tree should be decorated with streamers to complete the romantic look. Sam and I were helping him set up while Annie, Zayn, Niall, and Harry kept Nora occupied.

“I think it needs a few more streamers on the left side,” Sam advised. I groaned. “Babe, he’s fine.”

“I just think it’s tempting fate for him to be up in a tree,” I said. “Remember when he tried to string up those Christmas lights?”

“A tree and a roof aren’t the same thin—Ooof! OW!” Louis groaned. Sam and I raced over to where Louis had landed on the ground.

“Lou, are you okay?” Sam asked as we looked down at him. He was sprawled across the picnic lunch Sam had helped him to prepare.

One Year Headed In One Direction (Sequel to One Month)Where stories live. Discover now