Chapter 4: Falling For Her All Over Again

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[AN: You all seemed to ask for the same POVs. Enjoy pocket family!]


“I would carry you if I could,” Louis pouted for the fifth time. I rolled my eyes and sighed. We had arrived at the hospital just a minute ago, and Louis trailed after Nora and I like a lost puppy. He didn’t like that his broken arm kept him from driving and carrying his girlfriend in. Nora wasn’t able to walk because of the pain.

“Nora already knows that Lou,” I grumbled. “You can stop saying it. Right Nora?” I looked down at Nora in my arms, but she didn’t respond. Her body was tight and tense. Was the pain too much?

“She’s terrified of hospitals,” Louis supplied as a nurse pointed up to an exam room. [AN: I am actually really uncomfortable in hospitals. Long story. But it’s funny because I work for a hospital system at an outlying facility. I am always trying to get volunteers to run any errands that have to be done at the hospital.] I walked her to the bed and tried to set her down, but she clung to me for dear life. “Nora? Babe? It will be okay. The doctors fixed me up, and they’ll do the same for you.”

“If you’re so terrified of hospitals how did you keep it together when we were here for Louis?” I asked hopping up onto the table with her in my arms. She winced as her leg was shaken slightly. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” she said softly breathing through the pain. “I guess I was running on adrenaline before because I was worried about Louis.” I smiled at her. She and Lou were too cute. My old crush had faded away when I had met Ammie, but I still considered Nora to be one of my best friends. “I’m sorry we have to cancel your cooking lesson because of this.”

“It’s fine.” The nurse and a doctor walked in and Nora began to shake again.

“Baby they just need to check out your leg,” Louis said softly brushing the hair out of her eyes. She smiled at him trying to ignore the doctor who was inspecting the large gash in her leg.

“I’m afraid you’re going to need several stiches,” the doctor said. “We’ll give you some local anesthetic, and then clean it before stitching it up. Once that’s done you can go home.” Nora made the poor decision to look down at her leg where the nurse stood about to inject a needle into it.

“Shit,” Nora cursed screwing her eyes tight. “See this is why I hate hospitals. There are needles and stitches and all sorts of other stupid sharp stuff.” A tear leaked out from the corner of her eye.

“Remember what you told me before honey?” Louis tried. “Don’t be a baby. It’s just one little shot.”

“Screw you Louis!” She said clinging even tighter to me. “This is different. This is me!” She started to cry and Louis looked like a kicked puppy as he watched her helpless to offer a solution. I started to whistle the tune of “Baby” knowing that it would make Nora react. “Stop it Niall! You know I’m not a Belieber!” [AN: No offense to those who are. I just don’t like the music. And “Baby” got a little overdone for me whenever I walked into any store and heard it over the loudspeaker.]

“But I thought you liked this song,” I said before I started to sing it some. She sat up clapping a hand over my mouth.

“Not funny. You know how much that particular song annoys me,” she hissed. Her anger made me start to laugh, and I licked her hand. “Nice try Niall. I’m dating Louis. He tries that trick all the time.” I smirked before grabbing my free hand and ripping her palm off my mouth.

“You should really be thanking me,” I smirked.

“Oh yeah? Why?”

“Because the doctor is finished,” Louis announced proudly giving me a thumbs up. Nora looked down in surprise to see that the doctor was placing a bandage over her now finished stitches. “Nialler here distracted you from all of it.”

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