Part 1

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There was a bang down the street making my body shoot up in bed. It was well past midnight and once glancing to my phone seeing the time was just past 4 am. Another bang echoed into the room and that's when I knew what it was. A gun. I didn't live in a bad part of town nor had anything happened before this moment.

Second guessing myself standing up to peak through my bedroom window seeing as a car stretched around the corner followed by another moment later.

"What's going on?" My neighbour Hannah whispered making my body jump out of its skin.

"Christ on a cracker Hannah don't fucking scare me!" her hands raised in defence as we both looked out the window.

"Wow, that's...." Another shot echoed but closer. Glass shattered on my window making my body freeze. "Holy shit." Hannah grasped onto my forearm holding onto her right shoulder. Blood oozed out of her, my eyes went wide as she fell to the floor face going pale. Shakily grabbing my phone and a shirt I pressed it against her bleeding shoulder. I dialled 911.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"T-there was a shooting. A shot went through the window a-and it hit my friend." breathing out my address she instructed me on what to do. Making sure Hannah stayed awake until the ambulance came.

This was how it all started. The hours of questions and mandatory therapy sessions and the lead up to my move. My parents and basically everyone told me to move as well as Hannah.

Once wind was court throughout the family there was a shooting at my house I got call after call of everyone wanting me to pack up and live with them until I find a place. I declined mainly because they didn't live near me and it wasn't in my plans to move to another state. This was how I got a call from Mark, my cousin's boyfriend.

"(y/n) you're getting out of that house right now!" he shouted into the mic. I winced frowning slightly.

"Hey, Mark so you heard from Amy?" we'd met several times. Amy and I were good friends and we often went on double dates with my ex. Until they had to leave for an overseas business opportunity. It didn't last after that. It was a mutual understanding.

"About five seconds ago. You can't stay there. I'm coming to pick you up."

"Mark calm the hell down. One it would take more than a single day to pack my shit up and two..." He cut me off.

"Doesn't matter I'm already here." There was a knock on the door. I let out a long sigh.

"Oh my God." going down the hallway and unlocking the door I raised an eyebrow seeing Mark and Amy standing there with boxes.

"No arguing we're packing this place up." He pointed a finger at me I raised both hands stepping aside letting him in. Amy gave me a tight hug.

"How have you been staying here for the past three days?" she breathed out pulling back after a moment.

"Not very well to be honest. But that's normal apparently." The therapy session I'd had earlier today was mandatory for four more sessions after that. I'm not allowed to work for the next month either. Apparently, it's good so I can find a new place.

"Which is why you're staying at our place." Mark shouted out and I saw him packing up my kitchen.

"I always thought you were the one in charge." I whispered to Amy who after putting down the boxes crossed her arms.

"You think id want you to stay in an area with a recent shooting and a bullet hole in your window?" She pointed to the window which you could see from the small living room and I shrugged. The night before I covered the window with cardboard and tape.

"We don't have all day chop-chop," Mark said making me glare at him but listened going to work on my bedroom.


Of course, after the five hours of boxing things up and moving it to Marks place, there still was a bunch of stuff. So when it came down to it I forced them to go and id spend one last night here. Not that I really wanted to but the area was technically safer now with police monitoring it constantly and this way I could finish up quicker.
Neither of them liked that but I wouldn't budge. Not to mention I wouldn't be at their place until around lunch.
I'm not saying I don't hate Mark and Amy for being protective I just don't want to hear them talk about how I almost died that night. So taking my time with packing the next morning and emailing the apartment manager about the situation I left just after lunch.

It was somewhat quiet out the front of marks place but every now and again a shout came from inside. Maybe filming something or just being overdramatic Mark. Moving the boxes from the car to the front porch I rang the bell not wanting to scare anyone.

"She's here!" I heard him shout. Amy answered the door giving me a quick side hug.

"He's been freaking out all morning." Amy breathed. "I'm starting to think he's your cousin and you're not mine." I laughed as I brought a box down into the house.

"(y/n) you're here!" Mark cheered coming over to give me a hug.

"No don't touch her. You've just peed into a cup." My eyes went wide stepping away from Mark.

"I'll wash my hands." I stopped him from walking away by clearing my throat.

"How about you finish the video and then I'll come and say hi, maybe in a hazmat suit." Walking with them through the house I saw two other people from my head peeking out from behind the box.

"Ethan, Tyler this is (y/n), (y/n) this is Ethan and Tyler." I did a small wave that I could muster from the box.

"Konnichiwa." I smiled fidgeting the box in my hands for a moment.

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