Part 15

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Corentin was going to last well I don't know how long. Things keep changing so quickly it's impossible to stay up to date.
More and more people were needing online designs which was good. More time spent working rather than sitting around doing nothing.

"Ethan I'm going shopping," I called out from the kitchen knowing he was editing or recording with Mark.

"Wait what about a kiss." Giggling when he hopped out of his recording room to kiss me I smiled against his lips. "Goodbye. Love you." Pecking his lips one more time I stepped back.

"Love you too. Bye spencer!" Leaving for the shops knowing we needed food for the next week. Ethan and I were trying only to leave the house once or twice a week. Which had been going alright for the month id lived here. We had a zoom dinner with my parents that went quite well. Although Ethan was gripping onto either my hand or thigh under the table. It was cute how nervous he was and we'd also planned to talk with his parents which was tomorrow..... I think. Work was mostly on my mind recently.

"(y/n)," Amy called out in the shops. Since we couldn't hang out normally we've made sure to shop at the same time.

"Amy, hey did you just get here?" we touched elbows before walking inside.

"I went to the bakery first. Let's get shopping." Her enthusiasm made me laugh before we went inside grabbing our trollies. Talking about the normal stuff. Mostly about what's going on with Unas Annus and video ideas with the new restrictions. "So how are things going with Ethan? He's mentioned the amazing food he's been eating." Rolling my eyes as she nudged my shoulder I grabbed some apples and bananas.

"Things are going great. He mentions me as an angel when I give him food when Ethan's streaming." Amy wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh I know about that." of course she did. Maybe Mark mentioned it or even Ethan himself. "I'm sorry for being nervous about you two moving in together. I was just overprotective is all."

"No Amy it's fine. You were just looking out for me. That's what family is for." grinning under my mask we went on with our shopping for the next hour or so. Nothing exciting.  I'm just happy we planned this to at least talk in person a bit.

"Cya later (y/n)." Amy waved and I left in the car driving back to Ethans. When I managed to bring everything up in one trip the circulation in my arms was almost blocked off. Kicking the corner of the door to my surprise thinking that Ethan would be in his recording room he answered chuckling when seeing me.

"Do you need a hand?" I shook my head hobbling inside.

"Two trips are for the weak!" Groaning this out before lifting the bags up onto the bench. "I win take that" Ethan came up behind me kissing the shell of my ear.

"You showed those bags who's boss." A smile rested on my face as he kissed further down my neck sending goosebumps through me. "Did you want help unpacking?" Turning around a little confused as to why Ethan wasn't in the middle of a video.

"Weren't you recording just before?" he nodded hands on either side of me against the bench.

"Yeah. Sent it off to be edited and I'm not filming with Mark until three. So shall we get started?" Something tells me he wasn't thinking about groceries.


Having a pair of headphones in I sang quietly to the music blasting in my ears. Thinking originally that he was editing a video I turned off the vacuum singing louder swaying my hips putting the vacuum away I froze in place when I saw Ethan holding his camera with a grin plastered itself on his face.

"Ethan!" I gasped smiling running around the table and Ethan went on running also.

"You sounded so beautiful I had to film it," he called out behind him before I managed to grab hold of his collar. Wrapping both hands around his waist and resting my chin to his shoulder I lightly kissed his neck.

"You really think that?" Whispering this to his shoulder Ethan chuckled.

"Yeah 100%." Smiling I slid a hand up his shirt and to Ethan's chin. Turning it I went on my tippy toes so I could capture our lips together.

"I used do write music you know." Ethan's eyebrows raised and I remembered he still had the camera going. There's also one lying around the house sometimes I forget to pay attention.

"Really!? That's awesome. We could make a band. An unas annus band." Giggling while stepping away I knew this would lead to a small rant from him, especially because of the camera.

"No, not a band, that's embarrassing." Blushing thinking of something like that happening. Ethan leant forward kissing me softly. His phone started buzzing and he put the camera down. Honestly, I think it was just for fun he filmed it.

"It's Mark, Amys just dropped off something for a video. But this is not over." Smiling he kissed me again a little longer this time until mark started calling him. Ethan sighed still holding onto my lips until the ringtone got louder.

"I would love to stay like this Eth, but Marks not going to let up." letting him go off and film the video I went to finish off some designs for the last few working hours before I'd make dinner.

It's now or never | Ethan Nestor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now