Part 8

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Christmas time was spent giving gifts and cooking marshmallows by the fire which was what I did with Amy and Mark for both Christmas Eve and day as I spent my Christmas with my aunt and uncles family.

But I don't like thinking about the happy times right now I'm dealing with my many client's needed designs for the new year's. They all understood why I needed the time off but once it hit December I was full throttle. Working long hours only ever stopping when Ethan called or came in the room asking how my day went. Christmas gave me time to recharge, even getting a call from Ethan wishing me a merry Christmas that woke me that morning was really sweet. We'd gone out on three non-official dates. One to an arcade place, another to a modern art gallery because Ethan wanted aesthetic photos of me and a small restaurant. All cute little places. Hannah over the phone said he's totally going to ask me to an actual date it still made me think of if he thought all those days out were actual dates or just a fun time with a friend.

"Hey (y/n) we're about to head off," Amy said by the door of my room. Bag in hand. "Are you sure you don't want to come? Mark said it's totally fine." they were heading off to spend new year's with Marks mum and coming back on Jan 2nd to start filming again. I shook my head.

"Consider it a holiday from me." it was a joke which made Amy shake her head.

"I could never get sick of you (y/n). Just call if you need help with anything." shortly hugging Mark, Amy and the dogs left not even half an hour later. By that time I'd just finished a final draft of a graphic design for a client. My phone went off.

"Hey (y/n)." Ethan? I thought he was spending New Year with some high school friends.

"Ethan? I thought you'd be out by now."

"Yeah, my friends bailed on me. One was sick and the other had a family issue. His dad got a little too drunk." he laughed softly over the line, an automatic bite to my lip followed. "So I thought maybe you'd be free to come over. I've got all the alcohol you can imagine." Laughing my mood lightened happy to know insolent be spending new year's alone doing work.

"Sure but I can't drink that much. Driving is a thing." Ethan sent through his address and after a long decision of what to wear I left the house driving to Ethan's apartment. It was dinner time and fireworks were already going off. It unsettled my stomach. Since it sounded just like gunfire but not too bad. I was still on the anxiety medication until this bottle ran out.

"Glad you could make it." Ethan grinned swinging open the door before I could knock.

"I was happy to get your call. Originally I was just gonna work until the sun came up." Laughing a little Ethan gasped.

"No, you can't spend new year's working! Come follow me." Ethan ushered me inside his apartment was larger than my previous one and had a nice view of the city. "Alcohol! Beverages!" It wasn't never-ending but I gladly took a glass of red wine. "And the best part... Pizza!" smiling at Ethan we set up camp on the floor coffee table facing the large windows which I assumed you could see fireworks from. We sat on multiple blankets stacked on one another.

"This is great Ethan. Thanks for the Pizza." licking my lips of the oil I sipped my wine.

"Of course and spencer shall now also enjoy his dinner. I'll be back." Smiling watching him go off to feed Spencer I sat up rolling myself up with the blanket under me until I turned into a human burrito, it was slightly cold which was now fixed with the blanket. "(y/n) you're a burrito!" Ethan laughed out when seeing me. Giving him a toothy smile he came up sitting down next to me. "That's my favourite blanket. You have to share." sticking out my tongue rolling away Ethan grabbed my hips pulling me up against him.

"Ok but only if we watch harry potter." Ethan grinned ear to ear.



For the whole movie, I sat on Ethan's cross-legged lap while the blanket was wrapped around me. It was so comforting and when Ethan wrapped both arms around my waist engulfing me in our shared warmth there wasn't anywhere else id be.

"Oh, it's two minutes Ethan!" I gasped noticing the time while he switched off the tv.

"Wait really. People are setting off fireworks too early." turning my head I saw what he meant just being able to hear the fireworks pop in the distance Ethan held up his watch starting at the time. He was nervous. That much I could tell being a little tipsy from all the drinking my nerves have gone down. Maybe in overthinking too much about all this.

"Hey (y/n)." my train of thought stopped once Ethan's silky voice spoke in my ear. "Happy new year." His breath was brushing against my lips. Our eyes flickered down to our lips before they touched. The long found tension was released in a very long messy kiss. One turned to three. Tongues swirling against another until I was straddling Ethan's lap. Fireworks were going off but at this moment all I cared about was Ethan and being here with him. Cupping his face with both hands Ethan groaned again my lips making me want this night to go even further.

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