Part 2

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It wasn't long that I stayed in the guest room as they filmed. More introductions later. As I waited I'd started on unpacking the few boxes in the room into draws. Most of the boxes would either be staying in my car or in an upstairs room until I could find a new place. Which would take a little while considering I'd have to be doing all these therapy sessions and now I need to do yoga with Hannah online who is staying at her parent's place or will be once out of the hospital in a few days. I did say I'd come visit but I'm not allowed to until the doctors let the public visit. Apparently, it was a huge drug deal gone wrong and they want Hannah's interview. Strange.

"Hey, we're done filming." Amy came knocking on the door. "We've got more to do today but we can get started on moving the boxes." Going down the hallway Mark was already moving boxes upstairs.

"Hey, Mark?" He stopped in the middle of the stairs.


"It's great that you're helping me out after I almost died and all but I kinda need some of these boxes." He reversed down the stairs.

"Sorry I'll let you organise yourself." I hesitated to grab the box from him.

"Did he wash his hands?" Whispering this to Amy she laughed.

"He did."

"Yay." Grabbing the box I turned it around seeing the symbols ふく written on the side.
"That's a box of clothes so that can stay downstairs."

"You speak Japanese?" Amy scoffed arms crossed behind me.

"She's literally been learning Japanese for ten years, Mark."

"How would I know she never told me?" Biting my lip I took hold of the box

"How about I take this one and you grab the next box." giggling I went off to my room putting the box in the corner with a smile on my face.

"Hey (y/n)?" it was Ethan. He knocked on the door and it opened a small amount. "I looked in this box and there's books. Did you want them down here?" I thought for a moment. Maybe in the corner of the mirror closest.

"Yeah just put it anywhere." I breathed out and when Ethan put the box down he hopped on one foot. "Oh my god, Ethan are you ok?" I held in a laugh as he sat on the corner of the white bedsheets.

"I'll be fine. Don't chuck books on the floor." laughing at him I pat his back as he held his sock-covered foot. Ethan laughed through the pain.

"(y/n) what's this?" Mark said walking in seeing Ethan holding his foot. "You lifted one box and slammed it down on your foot."

"But mark I didn't mean to." Standing up I looked at the box.

"That's kitchen stuff, you can look in the boxes. I've got nothing to hide."

"(y/n) what is this?" Amy shouted and the three of us walked out.

Ethan started laughing beside me as did mark

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Ethan started laughing beside me as did mark.
"What the hell is that?" Mark said taking the painting from Amy.

"I painted it and thought it'd be perfect for my office. Don't judge my creative process."

"Of my god I love it." Ethan laughed out looking at it with Mark.

"What made you think of this. Alcohol?" Laughing more I grabbed the painting.

"I said no judging. One of my cousins who's seven asked me to paint a banana and this is what I made."

"Aw Sammy?" Amy said and I nodded walking the painting to my room and onto the bedside table.

"I can't believe you use your artistic talent to make a banana goose." Mark chuckled while I came back as we moved the last few boxes to the upstairs room.

"We have two more videos to shoot but if you need lunch then..."

"I'm good besides the kitchen was just used to filter pee so." Everyone chuckled.

"Yeah, I'd avoid that too." Tyler breathed. For the next hour, I heard shouts while I fixed up the room. Although not totally confident in what was being filmed I ignored it while taking the medication. There's two. One to help me sleep, that's taken once a day and another for my anxiety. Which has helped so much when I've needed to drive and whatnot. The night after the attack someone across the street dropped their bin to the ground acedently and I broke down crying.
But with the medication, I'm more level headed. My therapist said after this month I might be able to ease off it.

"(y/n) pizza is here!" Amy shouted hopping up from the bed phone in hand I ran out with a blanket still over my shoulders.

"(y/n) what are you doing?" Mark said holding the pizza boxes in his hands to the coffee table. "It's not cold."

"It's comforting to me. I've been through a shooting I'm allowed a comfort blanket." Ethan and Tyler stopped laughing.

"That was figurative right?" I glanced between Amy and Mark and back to the guys on the couch.

"You didn't tell them?" I whisper shouted.

"I don't know. You seemed determined not to ask for help so I thought you wouldn't want others to know." I shrugged. I guess there was a part of me thinking that if fewer people knew the memories would leave faster. But if they're both going to be around here all the time they should know.

"There I was two no three nights ago asleep. It was well past midnight and I awoke to a screeching car followed by gunfire. Bang thump slam. I went to the window thinking what the fuck and then got the biggest fucking jumpscare of my life when my neighbour came walking in who I gave a spare key to." I went over to the window and stood to the side. "She came in to see what was happening, then... Bang! She got shot with a ricocheted bullet into her shoulder. Window smashed. I called the ambulance using a shirt to put pressure on her wound. Done scene over." I took a long gasp of air. As they all stared at me. "Am I alright physically yes, mentally no but Hannah is alive. I saved her and my therapist says it's good to talk about what happened." bowing I then flopped down to the floor with a box of pizza.

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