Part 4

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It had been a week since coming to Amy's and Marks place. To say the least, it's been quite fun, it's been helping a lot with sleep and now I've been joining Mark with his morning exercise three times a week. This is what I've been telling my therapist.

"And have you been sleeping better?" She asked and I looked at my logbook with a sigh.

"No nothings changed. About five maybe six hours a night." she hummed through the computer screen thinking for a moment.

"Well see how you go for the next few days but I might need to up the medication. Have you thought about what I said the other day to find someone to talk to not family related?" It was quiet for a moment for my response. I'd thought about it but Hannah is one of my closest friends and she's now with her parents in another state until she's fully recovered. Not to mention I can't be talking to someone who is a part of the incident that caused the PTS.

"I have. Just need to find someone." breathing this out I glanced outside to see Ethan with a large half-deflated plastic ball. Holding in a smile I turned back to the screen. "I'll send an email once I figure something out." She nodded and in a few minutes, the session was over. Going out of the guest room to the sliding doors near the kitchen I held in a laugh seeing Mark blowing up the ball on his own.

"Oh my God, that idiot." I breathed out. Ethan saw me and waved me over.

"Come look (y/n)." He cheered, opening the door I walked out eyebrows crinkling together. "We have human-sized plastic balls!"

"I can...." Mark let out a loud dramatic gasp. "See that. But way blow them up that way?" Ethan and I looked at Mark for a moment.

"Don't patronise me. My methods work!"

"Why not reverse a vacuum cleaner and blow it up." Ethan's eyes went wide.

"That's brilliant (y/n)." he shook my shoulders making me laugh a little. "I'll go get it."

"I know. I'm a bloody genius." Ethan went on running into the house. Amy tilted down the camera a little.

"You alright being in the video?" I shrugged my shoulders kicking the ground in front of me.

"I don't mind."

"This. Is. Amy's. Cousin. (Y/n)." Mark spoke through breathes before Ethan came running out with the vacuum.

"I have it! Mark let me try." Mark raised a finger doing the last few breaths.

"And it's done. I've done it."

"But Mark I want to see if (y/n)s idea works." Mark stood panting loudly.

"It's too late now. I'm sorry." he breathed and I stood not too far with crossed arms.

"No, you're not."


I was in the middle of cleaning up the dishes from the past day when Amy came walking in with Mark.

"I'm forcing Amy out for a dinner date." He victoriously said and I laughed a little.

"If you need anything (y/n) just call. Ethan is deflating the plastic balls outside." Amy gave me a quick hug that was difficult for me to return with bubbly hands.

"Cya later." It was good for them to get out. Although I know more than likely one or both of them would be editing when getting home. Emptying the sink on warm water I went outside to make sure Ethan didn't hurt himself.
That's when I saw him flat on top of the plastic ball letting it deflate under him. Laughing he turned smiling. "Is that the best way to deflate one of those things?"

"The best way I could think of. It's working quite well." Ethan stood Tossing the ball with the other one under the trees obviously not knowing where to put them. "Have Mark and Amy left?" He breathed out a little tired from all the filming I guess.

"Yeah just before. It's probably the only time I've seen them leave the house apart from filming and shopping." They both work so hard, it's inspiring but it's not like I'm allowed to work for the next three weeks anyway.

"They have an incredible work ethic and now I'm tossed into the mix." Giggling we walked together inside. "Say did you have anything planned for dinner?" I shook my head just thinking of it now.

"Well, I was going to start making something when they told me the plan." Ethan pulsed for a moment. He glanced to the floor.

"We could go out as a none date dinner outing with two friends." I let out a laugh loving how slightly awkward he made it.

"I'd love to go on a none date dinner outing with you Ethan. I'll just get my jacket." Putting on some shoes and a jacket I texted Amy saying I left the secret side door from the laundry open so the dogs could get into the backyard for the maybe hour I would be out. She replied almost straight away. Everyone's so worried about me. It's starting to make me worry about myself.

"Is Nandos alright?" Ethan asked and I nodded realising we were already here. "We can pick somewhere else," Ethan said from the driver's seat.

"No no, it's fine. I was just lost in thought." Going inside and ordering straight away we sat opposite to one another waiting for the orders.

"So I know you're Amy's cousin, had to move out suddenly from your apartment, your funny but nothing else. Tell me about yourself." The way he spoke like a talk show host had me giggling, happy that he thought I was funny.

"I studied design at university and have a masters in design. I work as a freelance designer although I do have people coming back with more work. I'm 22 turning 23, had a long-lasting relationship until he had to move overseas. I can play piano and guitar. Used to be a cheerleader in high school uh I'm not sure, what else would you like to know." Ethan gaped at me for a moment. I waved a hand in front of his face tilting my head to the side slightly confused.

"I never would have pegged you as a cheerleader."

"Neither did the other cheerleaders." The food came and we are together for about half an hour, Ethan told me about the backflip that changed his life and about YouTube. While driving back to Marks house it got me thinking. "Hey, Ethan I have a favour to ask," I said when we walked together to the front door so he could get Spencer before heading home. "It's totally cool if you say no of course."

"Should be fine, what is it?" Spencer came running out of the front door and I shut it so Chica didn't go into the street.

"My therapist wants me to talk with someone not family-related about my nightmares and such and I haven't really thought of anyone to talk to, would you be willing?" Ethan immediately jumped up from petting Spencer.

"Of course. I'm filming a video tomorrow morning but we can meet up for brunch before I head over here for more filming." A wave of relief shot through me. Happy to know this might work to help my mental health.

"Thank you so much, Ethan," I said quickly bringing him into a hug. A set of lights came up the driveway. Mark and Amy, we're back.

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