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Once again, Nam leaves earlier than her twin to meet with Sha before the match, and after she confirms with the reporter that she'll be able to watch her own school play, she races off to go find them.

"But Nam?" Sha calls out. "Focus on both teams this time!"

Nam responds with a slightly flustered, "Okay!" knowing that last time she was biased towards her own team.

Watching both Yu Qing and Guo Zi line up at the net before the match starts, Nam frowns as she watches Zhi's brother almost refuse to shake hands with him, but she has to push that thought to the side as the match is about to start.

Because the rainy weather delayed the tournament schedule, both of the doubles matches will be at the same time, and Nam wonders if it would've been better for her and Sha to have an assigned court to cover, instead of them both constantly switching between the two courts. She supposes that Sha is right when she said they'd get views from on and off the court for both of the matches this way, though.

Standing next to both Xia and Zhi as Qiao Chen and Baiyang's match is about to start, Nam can't hold in her frown from the way they are squabbling, especially when the umpire has to call them out.

"Have they always been like this?" Lu Xia asks.

"Yes," Zhi answers, "even before you guys came."

Nam nods along to their conversation. If those two have always been like that, then it should work out, because Coach Qi would already know their antics. It'll be fine, Nam reasons with herself, Coach wouldn't make such a reckless decision.

Her doubts go away for a split moment when they score the first point with a smash from Qiao Chen, but she's immediately facepalming the next moment when the two double partners begin to fight again between every point, and she goes back to completely focusing on her camerawork instead.

"They're playing well," Xinglong comments from where he, Zhi, Siyang, and Nam are watching the match from the bench. "Better than when we were training."

"Because they're archrivals," Zhi points out. "When they play, they want to bring out their best."

Nam wants to feel hopeful at that statement, but she observes Guan Yue signal something to his own players, and her worries and frustration increases as Guo Zi immediately takes the next point. The way he just smugly sits on the coach's bench bothers her to no extent.

"Looks like it's going to be a tough match," Zhi states, watching the ball with serious eyes, and Nam wonders how it would've been for them if they hadn't been spied on. Surely Yu Qing is stronger, but playing against people specifically trained to target weaknesses is unnerving.

"Let's go take a look at Dayong and Jiale," Xinglong suggests, and the trio moves to the other court with Siyang's approval.

Nam follows them, and she's shocked to see their team losing. Remembering to be more fair for the sake of Tennis Monthly, she dutifully stands to the side and captures a picture of the other side scoring a point. Even if it is against her school, Nam admits to herself that it'll look nice if Sha decides to include the smash from Guo Zi's captain.

She watches Jiale dive for the ball, and internally winces when it's hit out. It doesn't seem normal for the Golden Partners to struggle this much, and with every rally, Jiale especially seems to be more distracted, constantly rubbing his eyes, like he's being drained of energy.

She inwardly cheers, though, as the duo seems to catch up in points, motivated by Dayong's Moon Volley.

Nam takes extra pictures on Yu Qing's side when she notices that Jiale and Dayong's starting formation is different, and she can hear Guan Yue shouting something about "the Australian Formation!" from the other side of the net, and she makes a note to look that up later.

The Guo Zi duo shouts something at each other, and Nam can feel the tension again as they seem to gather their bearings, even if the last ball was out on Guo Zi. Looking back at the photo she took of the last rally, the ball would've landed in a blind spot in the Golden Partners' formation if it had only been two more inches in.

She notices that Coach Qi moves to observe Qiao Chen and Baiyang's match, so she walks over with her, and Nam arrives just in time to capture Qiao Chen jumping forward for a backhand smash.

During the halftime break, Nam goes with Coach Qi to hand Chen a drink while she gives Baiyang his.

"You have to pace yourselves," Coach Qi advises. "Brute force isn't working."

"They're something. It's getting interesting," Qiao Chen comments.

"Stop acting like it's nothing," Baiyang scoffs.

"You're just as tired," Qiao Chen points out. "Just look at your sweat. You trained so hard, but you're still so weak."

His comment makes Baiyang chocolate on his drink before he retaliates. "That's because you play badly," he blames, "if it wasn't for me, we would have lost already."

"Are you done? Were you the only one on the court?" Chen complains.

"Enough, both of you," Coach Qi scolds. "Save your strength for the match."

"Coach," Baiyang says, "I'm drained."

"Coach," Chen argues, "I'm not."

Nam has the urge to smack the two upside the head, if only they weren't so much larger and intimidating. She wonders why they always have to say the exact things that riles the other up so much.

"That's because you're not playing hard," Baiyang accuses.

"What did you say?" Qiao Chen asks, affronted. "You snake-"

"Enough," Coach Qi says, and Nam wonders why she made the decision to put them both on doubles when they cause this large of a headache. "The opponents' skills and teamwork are far better than ours," she continues, and Nam can't help but nod along to her words. "Given this situation, what's your plan?" she asks the two players.

"Physical strength," Qiao Chen answers the coach, staring Baiyang down.

"Mental strength," he argues right back.

Nam lets out a sigh along with Coach Qi. "Your chemistry is just-" she starts.

"Non-existent," the two players say in unison.

"Well, when it comes to hating each other, you're on the same page," Coach Qi admits. "So for the next match-"

"We'll win," they declare together, before scoffing in each other's faces to leave and go back on the court.

"That somehow worked," Nam comments.

"They're each other's greatest motivators," Coach Qi tells her before sitting down on the coach's bench.

Nam takes a glance on the other court, and slightly gasps when she sees how drained Jiale is, barely standing. She sees Sha on that side, though, so she stays put, but can't help but to feel real concern for the first time on what Yu Qing's fate will be.

A/N- hey y'all! sorry it's been so long >~< 

genuinely, thanks for being so patient with how i literally didn't update for like half a year- oop. 

and also, i guess goodnight? yep, goodnight. (totally not past midnight for me but what else is new lol.) :)

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