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t e a m  i n t r o d u c t i o n s

After school, Nam heads to the girl's changing room, wearing more comfortable clothes during tennis practice. It's a cloudy day, and slightly windy, so Nam puts on Lu Xia's tennis jacket over her t-shirt and leggings.

"Gather up!" Siyang commands. All the tennis players line up, with the main players in their blue uniforms and the rest wearing the grey practice shirts. "We have an official team photographer who will be here shortly. You are not to deter from practice, or you'll run extra laps. We'll do proper introductions at the end of practice. She's here to mainly photograph the main players. Now go practice."

A chorus of "yes captain" erupts from the tennis team.

Nam makes her way to the tennis court, and she doesn't miss the shock on many of their faces. Huang Jing, the loud kid she remembers from that first bus ride, just points at her. "It's you!" he accuses. Nam just tilts her head in confusion, but smiles as he's made to run laps, and exchanges a nod with Mu.

Nam passes by Qiao Chen on her way to her brother's court. "It's no fair," he starts. "How does the captain expect us to focus with someone so cute taking photos of us." He's interrupted with Lu Xia hitting a ball towards his head. She walks over to her twin, who's practicing with Zhuo Zhi.

"Hey Xia and Zhi," Nam greets.

"Is that my jacket?" Xia asks.

"I was cold..."

"I get cold too."

"But... You'll be fine since you're going to be playing."

"You have a hoodie."

"I wanted a team uniform, though..."

"I'm older."

"Then... shouldn't you have mercy on me?"

After Xia stares at Nam, she gives in with a pout, handing the team jacket back over to Xia.

"Here," Zhuo Zhi says, handing his own jacket over to Nam.

"Really Zhi?"

"I'll be playing, so I'll be fine, right?"

Nam unintentionally blushes at this, but says "thank you" all the same. Zhuo softly chuckles at her.

"Lu Xia," Zhuo says, "let's continue practice before we're made to run laps."


Nam goes through the rest of practice without a hitch, quietly going through different courts taking pictures. She relishes in the scent of Zhuo Zhi from wearing his tennis jacket. What are you even thinking, Lu Na, she chides herself. You can't afford to be so stupid. Snap out of whatever this is!

Siyang gathers the team at the end of practice. "We have our first game against Yu Hang. our lineup is finalized, except for second doubles and third singles. Qiao Chen, Lu xia, decide who'll play thirds among the two of you. Dismissed."

The rookies left to go clean up, but the main players still stuck around to get to know Nam. She takes this chance to give back the jacket to Zhuo, but when she does, she fails to hold in a few giggles.

"Something funny Nam? Zhuo asks.

"Um... I just think it's weird how short you are..."

"What do you mean?"

"Um... You're still plenty tall, especially compared to me, but... um... These other guys are just really super tall."

Zhuo just chuckles. "Nam, meet the other guys."

A second year cuts in. "Hi, I'm Qiao Chen. also, while our Zhuo Zhi doesn't look like much, you should see him play in a game."

"Oh... I'm, uh... I'll look forward to it," Nam says with an awkward smile.

"Nam this is Zhang Baiyang and He Xinglong. And Yan Zhiming, our trainer," Zhuo introduces.

"Erm... Hi, I'm Lu Nam... I'll be your photographer."

"Wait," Qiao Chen says, "Lu as in Lu Xia and Lu Xiangqian."

"Yup," Nam says, "but to avoid confusion... you guys can call me Nam... Also, Xia, I'm trying to catch up with the two cheerleaders, so I'm going to leave now. Um... it was nice meeting everyone."

Nam hears an echo of goodbyes as she goes out to try and find Qi Ying and her friend, Peng Xiang.


"Siyang," Zhuo says, catching him after practice.


"Don't we have extra uniforms?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Could we order a main jacket for Lu Nam?"

The captain in Siyang wants to lecture Zhuo on how team members aren't allowed to date, but the friend in him decides to let it be, especially if he hasn't confirmed anything yet. "Okay," he responds, "you can surprise her with it if you want."

"Thank you, Siyang."


"Qi Ying!" Nam shouts, grabbing the girl's attention.


"Um... So you think that... that I could work with you... for things like advertising the team... and maybe some designing?"

"I would love that!" Ying exclaims, pulling Nam in for a hug.

When was the last time I made a friend like this? Nam asks herself, while she awkwardly returns the hugging gesture.


When Nam arrives home, her brother is waiting for her in the garden. "Hey Xia," she greets.



"You called Zhuo Zhi just 'Zhi' today."

"Um... yes. Is it bad, Xia?"

"What are you two?"


"Okay." Xia leaves to go inside while Nam stays out, pondering over her thoughts. Friends act like this, right?

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