Author's Note

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Hi guys, it's the author here.

I'm going to start off with saying that I'm sorry, because when I first started I really did not picture myself doing, well 1) an Author's Note for a chapter because that used to really annoy me as a reader, and 2) discontinuing a fic. 

I guess that this is my official announcement that this fic is going to be discontinued.

Before I explain myself, I'm going to start by saying that even though I didn't get nearly as far with this fic as I thought, it still holds a special place in my heart as my first fanfic. I had started writing because way back then, I was disappointed that there were no Prince of Tennis stories, and thought I could just try my hand at one. And y'all, you don't even know just how happy I am to have seen this fandom grow, and also the amount of fics for this fandom grow as well, which is actually one of the reasons why I don't feel as guilty with discontinuing this one.

That being said, because this was my first fanfic, I feel like my writing style has changed since I first started, and it's just here as a benchmark for me from where I first started writing. I had considered deleting this because it's not like it'd be a completed story, but I've decided to keep this just in case I ever feel like returning for old time's sake.

And even though it feels bad to admit, I'm going to say this anyways: my interest in this fandom and writing this fic in general has decreased. I'm still a fan of the show! It's just... my motivation to write this fic is practically zero since I've invested myself in other fandoms. But I still do think I might write drabbles or one shots for this show in the future, just because it still holds a special place for me.

I do feel bad for just stopping like this, because I believe that once I start something (and especially when I decide to share it online like this), I have an obligation to see it through and finish it. But at the same time, I feel like fanfics- in general because you should read what you want to, but also specifically just for ones that I write- should only really be done when it's enjoyable for yourself. 

I know it's been a while since an update anyways, but I'm the kind of person that needs to officially put something to rest, so I've decided to officially stop with this fanfic. I've lost the joy in writing this one, and because I don't get that much time to write altogether, I've officially decided to not dedicate any of my time to this fic.

There are so many great stories in this fandom, so please check them out! I mean it when I say how happy I am to have seen the interest in this fandom grow, especially because I started out as such an inexperienced and immature writer.

There's a saying that you never forget your first love, and while Prince of Tennis is not my first love or fandom, it is the fandom that I decided to write my first fic for. In a way, I'm kind of glad that it was such a small fandom when I started out, because the reason I had started to write in the first place was because I saw no fics for the show at all. And look how much it's grown!

I don't think I really have anything else to say except I'm sorry, and thank you for understanding.

With love,


P.S. It feels inappropriate to drop something like this here lol, but my account my rules :P I have an account on ao3 under the same username, in case anyone is interested in what I write now. The fandom I'm the most invested in now is Carats (for the kpop group SEVENTEEN), and I have two fics on ao3 for them (although one is just pure angst at the moment). I do also have one short one-shot for the Agents of SHIELD fandom if there are any aos stans, because that show was actually my first love and fandom, all the way back when I was seven and didn't even know fandoms existed :)

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