Chapter 12: Walk

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-Pewdie's P.O.V-

I walked into the area between the stairs, front door and living room. I held my cheek with one hand while the other was at my side, I was breathing in and out quietly. Well that went fucking a sense. I only got bitch slapped but Cry seemed to still forgive me. Yay....

I rolled my eyes to myself, finally letting go of my cheek. I slipped a pair of sneakers on, opening my front door. I was going for a early morning walk. I was heading out and going to get coffee, maybe a bagel. Interesting, I know.

I started walking down the street to the local StarBucks, silently wishing I was visiting Canada again to have their Tim Horton's.  They make sweet coffee without having to add sugar. Sounds stupid but sweet coffee is amazing.

I opened the door to the quiet shop, empty except me and the cashier. The young woman at the cash looked up at the chime the door made, smiling a classic smile. I smiled back, giving a small wave.

"Hey Jennifer." I said, walking up to the counter.

"Hey Felix, what are you getting this warm morning?" Jennifer asked.

I had been going here whenever I went out, I tend to eat almost every meal from here recently. Jennifer was used to me coming in, and since she worked so often very rarely do I get a diffrent server. I shrugged slightly,

"Could I get a ice coffee and plain bagel with plain creamcheese?" I said, once she nodded I turned to go sit down and browse through my phone.

I was browsing through Facebook when I heard the door chime again, although I didn't look up. The person, who by their voice was female, placed an order and then sat down some where behind me. I checked the time on my phone, which read 6:45AM. I sighed and placed my phone down, cursing myself for my uncomfortable neck due to how I slept.

"Oh! Well hello Mr.Kjellberg, I didn't expect to see you here at such an early time."

I turned around in surprise to be greeted by a familar face, the woman who showed me the house, Marzia Bisognin. I smiled slightly,

"Oh hello again. Heh, my roommate and I got into a arguement early this morning-" Marzia made a face, probably because I just stated me and my 'roommate' had a fight earlier then 6:45AM."-so I decided to go out this morning. Which just happened to be here." I finished.

Marzia gave me a certain look and suddenly felt a huge wave of panic. See I just remembered I have a huge mark on my cheek. I said I got into a fight with my roommate. So I had some fear she may take all of what I just said the wrong way. Lucky I was saved by the bell as Jennifer rang her little bell, signaling my order was up. I gave an akward smile and got up to quickly grab my order.

"Thanks Jen." I said quickly as I handed her money, waving to Marzia before half jogging out the door before seeing her reaction. God praise social akwardness and over thinking things. And-as I just realized-making youself more suspicious by the way you back out of conversation.

I groaned in annoyance as I walked along, taking a drink of my ice coffee. My random and sudden habit of over thinking things and making bad situations for myself was a pain in the ass. I decided to get my mind off my akward encounter by walking through the park before heading home. My thoughts wandered and I ended up wondering about things like Youtube, video games, friends and something stupid like Cry's creepy fucking eyes.

-Cry's P.O.V-

I heard Felix leave, somewhat slamming the door behind him. You know that thing where you think you have a good idea but when you do it, it just makes things about twice as bad or akward. Yeah. That. Fuck.

I went into the living room, grabing Felix's laptop and clicking on the TV. God I feel like such whats the word...nerd? weeaboo? Ah I remember! Shut In. I feel like a shut in.

I chuckled to myself, deciding to turn off the TV off and set the laptop down. I cracked my neck while thinking to myself.

"Ah I have an idea! How about I go outside and enjoy some fresh air that I don't even need to breath. No need to be a shut in."

I walked over to the front door, suddenly stopping with my hand hovering over the door knob.


I sighed. I could always take it off...Eh. I decided to put my hood up even though it would look odd in July. I took a step outside and started to walk around the neighbouring area.


I almost got lost a few times then decided to walk through a park. I walked along a long, wide and paved path which was oddly covered in leaves and petals. It looked like a Pikmin murder spree happened here. Although I really assumed it was a wedding since it was summer and the calming park area.

A noticed a woman walking the oppisite direction of me with a worried look on her face. She brushed long, brown hair out of her face, not paying attension to me. I shurgged and went back to looking at the forest area along side the path. It was only a moment later when I bumped right into her, making her stumble alittle while I actually tripped and fell over, landing on my back side. My hood fell back while my mask shifted to one side of my face. She gasped and bent over speaking fast,

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you-" She stopped as she got a look at my face and then she looked even more horrified. I felt quite embarresed but then she surprised me when she went.

"Oh I'm so sorry but why are you outside if you can't see?"  She asked, her voice now sounded like it was oozing with pity. I recoiled right away, having a grimace on my face. 

I was about to snap back explaining I wasn't blind but then remembered what my eyes looked like. I just frowned and shrugged, adjusting my mask so it was in the right position.

"It's fine." I said, sounding quiet and shy. Oops.

She gave me a sad look as I stood up, I was trying so hard not to tell her to go throw her pity down a drain. I waved goodbye and started to walk away but then she grabbed my arm. 

"I'm Marzia." She said, smiling slightly.

(A/N: This is before Starbucks, just before.)

I suddenly knew who she was. She looked diffrent out of work clothes and without a bun in her hair but she was the agent who gave people tours of my house. I smiled akwardly,

"Friends call me Cry." I said, gently tugging my arm out of her grip. She smiled and nodded.


After that akward encounter I went on my way, planning to walk back home. I never put my hood back up due to the lack of people around. I had zoned out slightly while walking which made me walk right into a tree. I heard laughter and turned to see Felix laughing, holding his side with one arm. He looked back up and stopped laughing, looking very surprised.

"Cry?" He said, in disbelief.

"S'up." I said causally.

He laughed slightly, "What the hell are you doing outside? Thought you hated the outdoors cause of the lack of time you spend in it." 

I shrugged smiling, "Felt like going on a walk."

I paused, "How's your cheek? Sorry about that by the way."

He thought for a moment, "It's okay, I used some ice coffee as an emergancy icepack."

I laughed slightly, walking over so I stood beside Felix. I held out a hand, which caused Felix to give me a confused look.

"Shake my hand to forgive me ya nerd." I said, smiling widely.

Felix smiled alittle, shaking my hand.

"Alright Crybaby. We are offically on good terms again."

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