Chapter 6

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You may have noticed that I gave up on making chapter namesmay start doing them later on but for now just plain chapter names.


Me and Felix had been sitting in the living room, I was answering questions calmly for about an hour or more when Felix sat up and asked another question.
"How did you die?"
I felt something in the pit of my stomach, a mixture of feelings, along with a small spot of pain burning from my forehead. A familiar feeling. I turned away from Felix and stuck my hands in my hoodie pockets, I didn't want to answer at all. The sudden pain and unwanted overpowering wave of emotions made me feel sick, so I turned to Felix.
And I lied.

Felix had gone back upstairs to edit the previous videos and the unpleasant feelings from earlier had gone away, but what replaced it was a feeling of guilt. It wasn't any of his business but it was the fact I refused to remember that left the feeling of guilt. I laid on the couch, closed my eyes, and started to think of the past.

I scrolled through comments on my latest video, praise and remarks were the biggest part of it.  Some negative or unwanted messages from time to time, about how they didn't enjoy the game or my lack of progress. And then the most popular question:"Why don't you show your face?" Simple. I  enjoy my privacy and I don't want people bothering my family, so I kept most things about me quiet. Not using my real name, not telling people what I look like and such. People asked and asked so I  gave tiny hints here and there, feeding the fire so to speak. Since my face was a mystery people  who drew art of me adopted a white, blank, poker face mask to cover my face. Which was a creative idea I had to admit. I closed the laptop and walked upstairs into the office where I recorded and set  everything up to record. Slipping on headphones and pushing my cat off the chair.

I smiled, spending a few minutes to think of little things that once made up my life. I opened my eyes and sunlight momentary blinded me, I sat up and looked outside to see it was early morning. I walked into the kitchen and read the little clock on the oven.

July 22nd 7:30AM

I blinked in surprise, I looked in the nearby rooms and then sat at the table in the kitchen. "swear it was only 11 when laid on the couch for few minutesfew minutes." I brought my hands to my face, feeling them touch the cold surface of my mask." must be losing my sense of timeI'll have to fix that so don't do that againBut... If thought almost 9 hours was few minutes..." The piecing needle of fear hit me. "How long have I been dead?" I mumbled out loud. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Felix walk in, rubbing his eyes. He walked towards the seat I was in and I put my hands up to block him. "Dude I'm sitting here."
He stopped and blinked lazily in surprise. "Oh sorry Cry."
He sat across from me after making a cup of coffee for himself and smiled now that he was more awake. He took a sip of his coffee gingerly and looked at me, "How was your night?"
I noticed how he didn't say sleep. I smiled a little, "It was fine. I just relaxed all night." 
He nodded and continued to drink his coffee, he swallowed then motioned towards me. "So, what do you plan on doing today?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "Steal your laptop to check on people, go outside, and hog your PS4."
He stood up, setting his mug on the counter, and nodded awkwardly. He the left me alone sitting there quietly.


I had been up until 1 in the morning reediting the video footage and then I left them to process then post. So I was kinda tired, almost sitting on Cry this morning. Who I heard mumble something before I walked in but since he never said anything I assumed everything was alright, I sat in the recliner in the living room while Cry played Borderlands 2 in the background. I skimmed through my social networks, reading comments and such. I noticed a message from Ken, a fellow Youtuber and friend of mine. It read; "Hey Felix, do you want to try a new game with me? It would make a good filler video so. The game is Lethal League, its like a fighter game but with dodgeball. Let me know if you want to do it."

I messaged him back quickly, letting him know I was in for trying the game out. I noticed a lack of shooting in the background and looked up to see Cry facing me. "Uh...Are you alright?" I asked, closing my laptop. "I'm fine, I'm just wondering if you'll need the PS4 or any of the systems for whatever your recording today." He said calmly, turning to face the paused game.

"No, the game I'm recording is played on the computer. So you can continue to obsess over that game." I said, laughing alittle. Cry just shook his head and unpaused Borderlands 2. I opened my laptop and started to look up Lethal League, going to the homepage to look at how to buy the game.

-Time Skip- Noon

I went into the office upstairs to start a Skype call with Ken when I heard Cry walk up behind me. He leaned in the doorway and tapped his mask to a certain rhythm quietly. I sat down in my chair and spun it to face him. "Yeah?" I asked.

"How many people can play the game? Like how many players needed?" He asked, continuing to tap. I leaned back in the chair and sighed, "The max is four players, it's just going to be me and my friend Ken playing."

"Since it's a computer game and there is mutiple computers in the house...Can I play with you guys?" He asked, giving an unusually wide smile. I didn't expect that, I saw Cry as more of a "I'll keep to myself unless I need something" kind of person. Cry stood up straight and stepped into the room, and leaned down to get to my eye level since I was sitting and waved his hand in front of my eyes. "Hey friend? You there?" He asked, I blinked and hit his hand away. "Sure, but now I have to buy the game twice. You'll play on my laptop downstairs." I spun the chair to face the computer, I remembered that Cry would need a Skype to chat if he was playing and that I need to find a way to explain who Cry was. "So Cry, we need to make you a Skype and tell my fans that your someone I live a roommate or whatever." I stated, but I heard Cry already leaving and I think I heard him saying something. "I remember my Skype so no need to worry about that, and I'll get the game downloaded." As he walked down the stairs I heard him call back. "Let me know when your starting!"

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