Chapter 15: Bonding

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-Cry's P.O.V-

"Not to be rude but, why do our conversations always start or end akwardly? Usually both." I asked quietly while continuing to stare at the ceiling.

"Well I won't act like I don't know. I think it's because all I do is ask you questions that tend to get vague answers and it proceeds to go nowhere since that mask makes it hard to 'look you in the eyes' so to speak." Felix said in a matter of fact tone, although edged with something else.

"Yeah sorry about that." I said.

"Which thing? The mask thing or vague answers?" Felix questioned.

"Both, I guess." 

Felix just made a 'mm' sound and turned on the TV. I half wanted to point how it just happened again, the awkward ending. But I just sat up and turned my attention to the TV. I sat there for a moment before I turned so I was facing Felix and I took my mask off and resisted the urge to put it back on. My vision went alittle blurry so a absent mindedly squinted to focus my vision.

"So you think we could have a proper conversation is my mask wasn't on?" I asked, putting my mask down beside me.

Felix turned to look at me and blinked in surprise but then looked alittle confused.

"Why are you squinting at me?" He asked me, sounding slightly amused.

"I can't see very well." I stated plainly.

"Why not? Can't you see with your mask on?" 

"Well of course I can. I used to wear glasses you know." I explained.

I blinked and everything was black and white like the void for a moment then everything was back to normal. I noticed my vision was back to its normal standards and realized there was a sort on weight on my face. I put my hands to the slide of my head and tapped my fingers off glasses frames. I blinked in surprise and Felix looked equally surprised.

-Pewdie's P.O.V-

As soon as Cry mentioned once wearing glasses his imaged flickered and he now had a pair of black glasses on. I blinked in surprise and let out a slight laugh.

"Well look at that, you can change details about yourself." I said smiling abit. "See? Talking face to face was a great idea!"

Cry looked annoyed for a second but then smiled alittle. 

"Yeah that's good to know. If I ever get really bored that could be something to look into." Cry said.

It was silent for a moment as I pondered talking about this or switching topics. I noticed myself staring at Cry's mask and that reminded of a thing I always wanted to ask about.

"Why do you have that by the way? The mask I mean." I asked, leaning back.

"Huh?" Cry said, glancing at the mask beside him. "Oh."

"Well I never showed my face when I was a youtuber, so this thing started where people drew me and this mask look was adopted to hide my face since no one knew what I looked like." Cry explained, picking up the mask and looking at it. "I have no clue why I have it now, it's not like I owned a version of it in real life or anything."

Cry paused for a moment looking deep in thought.

"Maybe it's a metaphor." Cry said, wondering out loud.

"Maybe it's like a ghosty gift." I said, laughing quietly

Cry just looked at me with a look of 'why is that even relevant' and just shook his head ever so slightly.

"How can you take a serious or just non-silly topic and do that. Just randomly." Cry asked.

I couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious as he just stared at me with his dull eyes looking slightly annoyed and confused. I just shrugged and looked towards the TV, pretending like I cared about the reality TV show on the screen.

"Like maybe when I die, which will be such a shame, I get pink headphones and a brofist t-shirt. Like how people usually draw me, like a reference to the thing I left behind." I explained.

"A reference to the thing I left behind?" Cry echoed quietly.

Cry tossed the mask beside him and sighed.

"So what was being a youtuber like for you?" I asked as I flicked through channels looking for something to watch.

"Huh? Oh. It was really good actually. I played games of course, I did readings and whatever I felt like really. I did some music collabs with other youtubers and also hosted a weekly stream show." Cry said, smiling as he went on. "I had about two million subscribers and it was good."

Cry's smile faltered slightly.

"I wonder what everyone is doing now." He said quietly but just shrugged.

"Your friends?" I asked, turning to look back at him.

"Well yeah I guess, and family but they're probably fine. It's not like I could see them and in reality I don't want to." Cry said plainly.

I internally sighed and just shifted uncomfortably.

He looked up and opened his mouth as if he was going to change the topic but he closed it, so we just stared at eachother. I ended up turning back to the TV to continue flicking through the channels, looking for something to watch. Cry looked at me for another moment and I thought I saw him shake his head. He scooted down the couch and grabbed his mask once again like he couldn't decide if he needed it or not, or whether, if he wanted it or not. 

We sat in silence for a moment until Cry piped up again.

"I need a nickname for you." He stated.

"Why?" I asked, alittle happy the mood was lightening.

"Well you call me Cry, so in order to create a balance you need one too." Cry replied, smiling slightly.

"Or-just think about this-you tell me your non-nickname." I said jokingly.

Cry rolled his eyes then thought for a minute.

"Well lets see...Your youtuber name is Pewdiepie so how about..." Cry half-mumbled, half-said.

"Well actually my nickname is Pewds." I cut in.

Cry looked up at me and actually stuck out his tongue alittle, having a slightly sour expression. I raised an eyebrow in silent questioning.

"That kinda sounds like pubes so no. It's gross." Cry said in a matter-of-fact tone.

I gasped as if I was offended and crossed my arms.

"Rude." I said simply.

"Well excuse me princ-" Cry started.

"Rude!" I cut in louder and ended up smiling.

Cry rolled his eyes once again which made me wonder how often he did it when I couldn't see and continued to think. He shifted to a laying position and suddenly smiled.

"Pewdie!" He exclaimed happily.

"Pewdie? Huh." I repeated, sounding satisfied

"Super simple and much better then Pewds." Cry said happily.

I chuckled and decided to switch to Netflix so I could watch a movie instead.

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