Chapter 8: That sadly happened

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Well, it's been a little while since I've touched this story...Since I don't get much feedback I always get nervous whenever I think about writing this, so there was a two week gap! (or more...heh)

Also I read a few of the older chapters and realized how my writing style is kinda...bad to be reading. So for that odd style of formatting and writing I am sorry. But enough with my nagging, lets get on to the new chapter!


-Cry's P.O.V.-

(I actually got to "Cry's P.O.V." and stopped writing for 2 weeks god help me)

I had zoned out while Felix dragged on about how I almosted caused a riot among his bra's or something like that. I just tapped my mask (a new favorite hobby of mine it seems) while nodding as if to act like I cared about his rant. After he had finished I walked out calmly thinking to myself, my thoughts drifting about as they usually do. I ran over what has just happened glumly, sighing slightly.

Felix jumped out of the chair and I stumbled back, hitting against the wall taking in quick breaths from fright. Felix looked like he won the lottery, he had a huge smile and his eyes seemed to have a new light to them.

"Hah! I knew it! I am a genius!" Felix said proudly, then he broke into a sing-song voice and went "Genius Pewds stirkes again!~"

I sighed again but cracked a small smile and felt a blush creeping up on me, but my thoughts were cut short when I-


Boom. Bang. Right into a wall I go. I stumbled back, floating upwards slightly, and I heard footsteps then Felix call down the stairs.

"Uh. You alright there?" He said half-concerned and half-jokingly.

"Fuck-How the hell do I just walk into a wall! Nice going Ry-" I stumbled over my words in a sudden feeling of anger and embarrassment  but stopped my self at the end. Silently cursing myself for the slip of the tongue.

"Ry? Did you actually walk into that wall so hard you can't even say your nickname?" Felix chuckled from behind me.

I waved one hand in acknowledgement while I used the other to fix my loosened mask. "Hush. Now I'm in a crappy mood, so go away with your cheery attitude."

I heard quiet footsteps as Felix went away, I adjusted my mask slightly while feeling like a fool. Got so caught up in thinking about how I just got embarressed that I smashed into a wall. 'I don't remember ever being this absent-minded before, maybe its just a side effect of dying"


I floated upside down in the living room, enjoying the quiet hum the void provided. I then proceeded to think more of recent events.

-Pewdie's P.O.V.-

I leaned back in my chair after finishing my half-assed rant about the laws of Youtube and closed my eyes. I had just gotten comfortable when-


I bolted up in surprise, getting up to speed walk into the hallway. I peeked down the stairs to see Cry floating off the ground slightly, holding his forehead. I cracked a slight smile and called down to him,

"Uh. You alright there?" I called down.

"Fuckin-How the hell do I just walk into a wall! Nice going Ry-" He half-muttered to himself in a sudden burst of flustered anger.

He stopped before finishing, landing back onto the ground with a soft 'thud'. I made a quick mental note to add that to a long list of things involving Cry that I don't quite understand.

"Ry? Did you actually walk into that wall so hard you can't even say your nickname?" I mused, chuckling to myself.

He waved one hand to signal he heard me, quietly and angerly saying. 

"Hush. Now I'm in a crappy mood, so go away with your cheery attitude."

I shruged and walked back into my office, I didn't need to be there but Cry seemed pissy about the event so I decided that not going downstairs might be a good idea. So I sat in my office and thought about the week so far.


I eventually decided on the topic of the dead person in my house, so I sat there lazily as I thought about it.

'It's been a week since I moved here and something like this happens...I never beilieved in that after life crap but, he's some convicing proof. Although it's not like I'm..."okay" with it. I didn't just go "Oh! A ghost. Cool, whatever." no. It's more "I don't think he can just leave" along with "I'm terrified of him, don't want to piss him off" and "It would be too much to move".'

I mentally sighed then continued.

'He doesn't seem evil or anything...Like any other Youtuber friend of mine really. Other then being a little odd and hogging my PS4 he hasn't done much. Maybe this could work out somehow...He looks perfectly alive it's just his powers would make him look odd. Pfft...Not like he would use them in public. But can he even leave at all? I wonder about...'

I then stopped thinking too seriously about it. Thinking of better ways to look at it, and wondering about things I could talk to him about. I glanced at the computer behind me and spun around to use it. The Lethal League video (Which was only 9 minutes, thanks to "somebody") had been posted for about 20 minutes but people were already commenting on it. I scrolled through some, reading the ones that weren't spam or hate comments. I began to read them aloud;

"Great video! Gonna check this game out thanks to you guys."

"Are you gonna do anymore videos with Cry?"

"Is Cry a new friend of yours?"

"Are we gonna see Cry again? Also, really cool video!"

I clicked away from the comments, going to my Youtube page.

Most of them were curious about who Cry was and if I was gonna do more videos with him. I thought I mentioned in the video that we lived together (in a sense) but perhaps nobody really noticed. 


I glanced over my shoulder to see Cry standing there, adjusting his mask for some reason. I motioned to the screen,

"Did you read the comments? They seem to like you, or at least be interested in you."

"Well that's nice...I guess you can add me to the group of people you can record games with." Cry said, turning to leave. I frowned, spinning the chair around (All this spinning is going to make me sick).

"You alright? Still not pissed at yourself for smashing into a wall?" I asked, scooting the chair forward. Cry stopped and turned around, smiling brightly.

"Dude, I'm fine. But I was worried about my mask...and it also hurt seeing how I speed walked right into a hard wall." Cry stated, chuckling a bit before quickly leaving.

I stood up to follow him but stopped in the doorway. 'Cry seems to be quite the moody guy. Heh, guess I need to fix his bad moods.'


Well look at that! Got a chapter done in time for Christmas. How lovely.

Hope you liked this chapter. Also that little picture is a doodle I made, which it shows Cry's reaction to hitting the wall. Nothing special, just a quick thing but I think it came out okay.

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