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Hey guys! This is just going to be a tiny part talking about Cry's ghostly powers and such just to explain them for future refrence. So if you were wondering about something related to them just wait and see if I bring it up.


Levitation: Can lift things or people in or out of the void.

Invisibility: Can be unseen in the void and out if wanted.

Flight/Hovering/Floating: Can float to high heights off the ground in both the void and out.

Possession: Can take control of people or machines although hard to do with out practice. 

Intangibility: The power to phase through all forms of matter.

Teleportation: Can teleport short or medium distences.

Super Speed: Increased speed compared to the living and most mobile vehicles.

SuperNatural Perception: Can see things living people can't/ can see other spirts of people or animals.

So a list of powers and now some other details.

The Void: A black and white space where ghosts can not be seen or interacted with in most cases. Ghosts talking or making other noises can be heard but they would be quiet and possibly distorted, making them almost impossible to understand. Ghosts can move quickly through The Void, incresing their speed in an unknown way. Sounds can be easily heard and seem to echo.

Coming out of The Void: Whenever a ghost touchs an object or interacts with a person, like using certain powers, they leave The Void and can be seen.

Ghosts being seen:  When they can be seen they look like a normal person, except their cause of death can be seen if a visible injury for example if stabbed in the chest area the hole in clothes and  in body can be seen although no blood or gore can be seen.  Ghosts can change into slightly diffrent forms if wanted, changing into diffrent outfits worn by the deseased person or changing so that only the waist up can be viewed.

Side effects: After death depending on the person and cause of death there may be damage to the person mentally. Causing them to forget things, lose sense of time, or have problems communicating with the living if they wanted.

Not all go through this problem though, some are fine and normal as before. But a popular problem is a so called "Knock Out Time" (or K.O.T if preferred) where the person is in a dazed state for a period of time until a certain event causes them to awaken. A side affect of this is the lose of their sense of time.

Habits: Some ghosts after passing continue normal habits as before such as eating, breathing and sleeping when it's not needed. If certain hobbies were a big part of their lives then those may continue.

Rules/Restrictions: Most ghosts can not go too far from wherever their soul lies, a home or their place of death. Although the distence all depends on many aspects from the persons life. Some can explore whole towns or citys while others can barely leave the place they are bound to.


If I didn't explain something you were wondering about so far just ask.

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