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Elle stumbles subtly beside me as we walk to the nearby diner, I chuckle and look down at her as her face flushes with embarrassment. She's a taller woman, standing at about 5'8, and yet she hunches her body over to seem smaller and less distinct. It pains me.

"Whoops." I chuckle as she stumbles again, but then my light chuckling stops as I see how pale and out of breath she looks. I halt my long strides and lean down to place my hand on her forehead, she's burning up and weak as a kitten.

"Tell me honestly, when was the last time you ate an actual meal."

"Uhhh..." She hesitates and looks at her feet, "three weeks ago."

"What!" I practically roar in shock and horror, as I take her hands in mine. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I'm fat and disgusting, I don't deserve to eat." She says blankly, like it's the most obvious thing she's ever said I her life. Growling I stand back to my full height and pull her arm around my waist so she can use me as support to walk against.

"Little one," I say after a few seconds when I'm sure my tone has calmed again, "whoever told you something like that is a fucking liar. No matter your size you deserve to eat, and you are most certainly not fat. Who told you this?"

"My ex did." She mumbles as we make our slow journey towards the diner. "And he's always right."

"Well this ex is a liar and an idiot in that case then." I'm careful with how I address this topic, I can't be too forceful over the truth as she seems to take his words as gospel and it could upset her.

"You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, you take my breath away. The only thing that could make you more perfect is if you eat a nice big breakfast with me right now." I tell her all this as I open the door to the diner, we are shown to a table and I hand her a menu. Her eyes keep checking my face for a change in expression, constantly assessing her situation. I reach my hand over the table and squeeze her hand.

"Stop trying to analyse me- there are not ulterior motives here."

Sure there aren't. The voice in my head says. You're doing it out of kindness, but also because you loove her.

Ignoring my own thoughts, I turn my attention back to Elle, she's skimming over the menu, but doesn't seem to be choosing anything.

She's chewing on her lip anxiously and bouncing her knee up and down under the table. "I don't know," she whispers, "I haven't chosen in so long."


"He'd always choose for me. I can't remember what I even like anymore." She sniffles and rubs at her nose. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this, but I want to."

Her confession warms my heart even though I'm boiling with fury at the same time. That bastard had controlled her so completely she couldn't even order from a menu. If I ever found him I would ring his  neck.

"It's ok, I'm glad you're talking to me. And ordering from a menu is always a nightmare. I know what the best food is in here- shall I order two of the same?"

She smiles meekly. "Yes please."

Grinning at her, I stand and move to the counter to order two waffles with fruit and maple syrup. It sounds strange, but it reminds me of her somehow. That sweetness within in her heart as well as the vibrant colours of her auburn hair, very much like those ruby jewels berries. Her hair is wild and fiery with her passion and spirit that I occasionally glimpse at before she catches herself and hides it. Her hair is no doubt another thing that vicious bastard of an ex poisoned her against.

When I draw back the chair once again, Elle jumps lightly and continues to bite at her lip

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When I draw back the chair once again, Elle jumps lightly and continues to bite at her lip. If she doesn't stop that, she'll draw blood. Against my better instincts I reach an arm across the table and pull her lip down with my thumb. She flushes and looks up into my eyes.

No matter how many times I see her eyes, I will never get used to the stunning deep green of her eyes with the brown pigment around the iris.

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

MC's Viking Warriors- Mouse #2Where stories live. Discover now