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We laze the morning away with soft caresses and reassuring words. Derek still hasn't asked me about my nightmare, I'm eternally grateful for that, I'm still not ready to relive that just yet.

To ruin the perfect morning, my stomach decides to make a low growl of hunger, audible to myself... and to Derek. I flush with embarrassment, great, so now I'm disgusting to him. Instead of recoiling or making a comment about my weight, Derek chuckles and looks down at me, dare I say, lovingly.

"Guess you haven't eaten in a while huh?" He knows me too well I guess, I hadn't eaten properly since his last visit. Just an apple and a cracker here and there.

"I have too." I jut my chin out determinedly, hoping to conceal my lie. Of course, it doesn't work.

"Hmm is that so? Guess you don't want those waffles again then."

God I really want those waffles again, I grip his wrist and look desperately into his eyes.

"Alright, so you want the waffles then?"

"Yes! Yes please!" I exclaim childishly, it's been so long since I've felt so free around anyone. I have Derek to thank for that.

Deciding I really want those waffles, I start to pull away from hi with the intention of getting dressed to go out. However a firm arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back down.

"Der? What are you doing? I want waffles."

He huffs into my neck and inhaling deeply, then a low chuckle rumbles through me. "One of the advantages of being third in command, is I've got all these prospects up my ass to gain favour. I've already ordered them to fetch them.

"You have?" I exclaim, eyes wide. I turn to smile at him, wincing as it stretches my bruised and cut face.


"I'm going home Derek!" I practically scream in frustration as he is refusing to let me go home and fetch a few things I need. "I won't be controlled- I mean it!" My voice raises even higher as my panic starts to control my body. I feel a sob bubbling in my chest and I frantically try to contain it- no more crying. Of course, my fear wins against my self control as I try to speak once again.

"I won't be controlled like that. I can't... not again."

My voice breaks and crackles as the tears fall. I collapse in on myself, but instead of meeting the cold darkness that I'm used to, I collapse into a pair of warm arms- holding me together.

"You can go home, but only to get some of your things. If you want to leave once you're healed we will find you a new apartment."

I try not to flinch at the fact he said 'we' instead of 'I'. I liked knowing he looked out for me, instead of the club looking out for me- purely because I took a beating for them.

"I really miss my own clothes Der." I reply, tugging on a T-shirt of Derek's. I liked wearing it, just not all the time. Plus I missed my bra, I feel too exposed without it as my boobs are far too big to go outside without one normally.

He nods with a smile and kisses me gently before going to pull away, I have other plans. I grab him gently by the beard and tug him back down to my lips with a chuckle. He captures my lips again hungrily, pulling my body flush against his. Letting out a little gasp of surprise at his actions, my mouth opens slightly. Derek takes this opportunity to try to push his tongue in to meet mine. I teasingly deny him access, clamping my lips together tightly.

Derek growls in frustration and slaps my ass firmly. I shriek in surprise and he finally gets what he had been fighting for. We both sigh as I taste him, it's a strange combination of syrup from the waffles and that whisky he's always drinking. In short it's a delicious combination.

I realise that Derek has been moving me backwards as he leaves me breathless. Before I know it, I'm pressed up against a wall. Man this guy is hot.

His hands find my hips and he pulls away breathlessly. "I want," he breathes into the soft skin of my neck, "to pin you against this wall by your hands but..." He trails off and fingers the material of my sling lightly, "that will have to wait."

Another groan escapes me as I feel his hardness press against my pelvis in slow rocking movements.

"Mmm fuck..." I whimper as he continues his teasing and he kisses down my neck. Sucking on a sweet spot I never knew existed.

"The things I could do to this body, Elle, Jesus you have no idea." His voice is gravely and strained against my skin.

I giggle and push on his chest with just one finger to signal this make out session is over. We sit down on the bed, it takes all my might not to flop down onto the soft sheets and while the day away curled up with Derek. But I couldn't, this was only temporary anyway. He'd get bored soon enough.

"Come on then beautiful girl, let's get your stuff."

Derek grabs my free hand and lightly pulls me from the bed and out of the room. "We can take the car, this time. But I'm getting you on that bike."

I laugh freely, knowing how I'm the chance of me getting on one of those things is.

"Sure big guy," I croon. "In your dreams."

A mischievous glint appears in Derek's eyes. "You don't even want to know what I'm my dreams."

I cackle with a surprised laugh and slap his chest lightly. Life was good right now.

I have a couple of things to say so please read them xx

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I have changed my story order plan. Viper's story will be next and then Bolt's story. Liam's story will come after that. Xx

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