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Elle and I arrived at the shopping centre after a long drive, it was only 40 minutes or so, but any amount of time where I can't give Elle my complete focus feels like a long time. Her eyes light up at all the people, all the shops, all the freedom.

I realise that this is probably the first time Elle has been able to go shopping in about 10 years. Grabbing her hand, I lightly tug her towards some of the shops so we are no longer waiting in the entrance.

"Where should we go first then baby?"

Elle looks down and shifts her weight from foot to foot awkwardly, I expected this to happen. Some people find it really hard to let other people treat them, I'm not surprised Elle is one of them.

"Derek I'm not sure I can let you buy me things." She whispers this into my ear quietly and on tiptoes. Given the length of time she has been kept from society I'm not surprised she's nervous and on edge.

I gently wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close to me, almost tucked underneath me, it seems to calm her.

"Did I not tell you baby?" She frowns and shakes her head, confused. "My parents were ridiculously rich, and when my father died, I got everything he had and all his shares for the future. We could buy every item in this place and I'd still have money to spare."

Elle's eyes widen and she clasps her hand to her mouth to silence her shock. I desperately try not to think of how she did that as she was riding me, to keep from screaming. It wouldn't be good to get a semi in the middle of a public place.

Deciding to take control, I wander towards a shop that seems to have clothes Elle could like and wear. It was a success. I watched her come alive in freedom with the ability to make her own choices. There were a few times when she froze, overwhelmed with the decisions, but I held her in my arms until she calmed down enough to reappear and face the world.

As we walk through the main hall area, heading towards a restaurant that Elle chose, she suddenly freezes. Halting my steps as I'm holding her hand.

"Elle? Baby?"

She shakes her head, like clearing cobwebs from her mind. She drops my hand and softly kisses my cheek.

"Sorry, Derek, I just saw the sign for the bathroom." She points to the sign, which is on the other side of the throughway of shoppers.

"You get the table, I'll be right back."

Elle seems a little off, more jumpy than before. My gut tells me it's because we're going to eat out at a restaurant, a situation which many people find tense and stressful anyone, let alone Elle. She probably needs a minute alone to collect herself.

"Ok baby." I kiss the top of her head and squeeze her hand. "You text me if you need anything." One of the first items we bought her was a phone, I needed to know that she could contact me if she needed to.

I watch her for a moment as she walks with purpose against the streaming traffic of shoppers, stopping and starting to avoid larger groups. Once her tall form disappears down the corridor with the toilets, I turn away and open the door to the restaurant.

After being greeted and shown to a table near a spiky plant, I wait for Elle. Looking out over the barriers separating us from the shoppers, I hope to see her notice me. She knew which place we were eating at so finding me shouldn't be a problem. I'm also constantly checking the door in case she has been intercepted by a waiter.

5 minutes pass and I've had enough of waiting. She could be having another panic attack. I shouldn't have waited so long. Shouldn't have left her.

My fault. My fault. My fault.

I leave the restaurant politely, giving a brief explanation to the concierge that I will be returning in a moment. But then I break out into a jog, not wanting to attract attention, but equally desperate to get to her.

Weaving past the people leaving the corridor for the toilets, I push open the door to the women's. There's no one out of the toilets so at least I won't get yelled at if I time this right. As I look around the room dread coats my body and the air leaves my lungs. All the cubical doors are open... and empty.

Unable to believe it, I rush into each one, checking corners and crevices for Elle. She's not here.

My fault. My fault. My fault.

I leave the room, struggling to breathe, swallow, think as I try to think about where she could have gone. I'm about to leave, assuming that I just missed her in the busy place and she's sitting in the restaurant waiting for me.

Striding out, my confidence is restored- until I here the chunk of metal under my foot. Dropping to the ground, I find the source of the noise.

The ring. Elle's ring. My promise to her, is on the floor by a fire exit door. I pick it up and clench it tight in my palm. She's gone.

Someone's taken her. He's taken her. And it's all my fault.

Ok I realise you're probably a little mad at me but... we need a bit of drama.

A book with only fluff doesn't suit my style currently sorry xx

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