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I leave Elle in the bathroom still looking green at the smell of toast. Worried about Elle, I walk quickly down the stairs and outside towards Vidar's cabin. The air has a warmth and springlike bounce to it, the frosts of winter have thawed and the ground is waking up again.

Knocking on the door I'm met with Astrid holding Eira as Vidar chases after a manically squealing Liam in the background.

"Sis, Elle wants to see you for a bit if you wouldn't mind." I hold my arms out eagerly for Eira who squeals at the sight of me and makes grabby hands. Astrid hands her over to me before replying with a 'sure'.

She walks back into the cabin, kisses an out of breath Vidar, successfully catches Liam and kisses him all over before leaving the cabin and heading over to the clubhouse. That woman has got her shit together.

I wince as I feel a sharp yank to my beard, Eira, like her brother, takes a great deal of interest in my beard. When I babysit for them both I even go so far as to tying it up and pinning it to one side. Not that I'd ever let anyone else see.

"Hey bror." I greet as I wander into the chaotic living room with Eira still attached to my facial hair.

Vidar merely lifts a hand in greeting as he collapses onto a chair in exhaustion. Less than a second later he cries out and digs out a small plastic toy from the back of the chair. He drops it on the floor amongst the rest of Liam's toys. Liam emits a high pitched squeal at the sight of that long lost toy and dashes towards it at terrifying speed. Vidar opens a single eye to watch him locate the toy safely before he closes it again.

I feel like I'm being watched, looking down I see I was right. There's a huge pair of brown eyes blinking up at my between long lashes. Eira has her daddy's eyes, it's strange how genetics work. Neither of them have any of their biological 'father's' characteristics- they look like Erik which means they both look like Vidar. That's a mercy I guess.

"Hey little snowflake," I coo down at Eira before grabbing a washcloth to catch the drool rolling down her chin, "I think you daddy's gone to sleep."

It was true, he had. He was sprawled out in the small armchair not quite big enough to accommodate his size, his legs spread out across the floor and Liam is jumping over his feet and cackling in delight. It's quite the image.

Eira follows my gaze and twists her head round to watch her brother aggravating her sleeping father. There are a few picture books piled up by the chair on the floor so I reach down and grab one. Reading it to Eira.

After my second book I've caught Liam's attention and he wanders over to the sofa and makes grabby hands for me to lift him up- the height of the sofa still his Everest. He happily settles under the crook of my arm as I begin reading a new book to the pair of them, Liam rests one little hand on his dozing sister before gazing up at the pictures in the story.

Four books later both children have fallen asleep and I take a moment to enjoy the peace, my heart is finally full again knowing Elle is with me, safe and unharmed. The peace is shattered when Vidar's phone buzzes, he wakes immediately with a slight snort of surprise. He grabs it, reads the text and leaps up with a speed like a bullet.

He doesn't speak as he leaves the room, well I say leaves, he sprints like there's a rabid dog after his balls. He slams the door behind him causing both children to jolt awake and burst into tears. I silently curse Vidar, trying to soothe two screaming babies isn't easy and my salvation comes in the form of golden fur.

Maggie has awoken from her sleep in the kitchen and wanders into the sitting room, stretching out her old bones. She seems to follow the sound of screaming because she ends up standing before me. Looking from screaming baby to screaming toddler she moves forwards placing her large muzzle on Liam's lap and licking his hand slightly.

Liam's tears stop immediately and he begins to giggle and curl up around the dog's nose. I check Maggie is still ok with his actions given the fact he is now hugging her nose between his legs and chest, but her tail is wagging. It seems to be a thing they do. With Liam quiet again, I turn my attention back to the whimpering Eira but even that is easier with Maggie's help. Because Liam is no longer quiet Eira is no longer following her big brother so after a few soft kisses to her chubby cheeks she quietens up again.

"Thanks Mags." I ruffle the dogs fur and her tail wags even harder.


I've been playing with Liam and occupying Eira for about twenty minutes when the front door opens. Poking my head up enough that I can see over the sofa I see Erik standing in the doorway, presents in his arms and a smile on his face.

"Hey son, you alright now?"

"I'm better now Elle is back."

He nods, "I'm sure you are. Speaking of, your woman needs to speak to you about something so I'm here to babysit the munchkins."

I stand and kiss each child's head before carefully manoeuvring through the toys on the floor. Erik takes my place and places the new toys on the sofa. They're all for the children but there's no point giving them at the moment, they'd just get forgotten.

"Bye." I call out as I close the door.

I walk back across the compound as I try to work out what Elle wants to tell me, it wasn't like Erik said she needed me. He specifically said it was to tell me something.

Knocking on the door, I hear her voice call me in but it has a nervous tremor in it that makes me frown. Elle is sitting on the middle of the bed with her legs crosses and her hand to her mouth as she bites her nail.

"Hey little one, what's wrong? What do you need to tell me?"

"I need you to sit down Der." She mumbles and I do so immediately, crossing my legs so I'm directing opposite her and at a similar height.

She swallows deeply and goes to pull something out of her pocket but changes her mind.

"Can you close your eyes please."

"Sure baby." I close my eyes and hold my hands out in front of me. The crackle of plastic fills the room and a small bag with something in it is placed in my hands. "You can open them now." Is whispered in my ear and my eyes fly open.

Elle is sitting on her heels in front of me again and I look down at my hands. It's a clear plastic zip bag, and in it is a small plastic stick. Puzzled, I look up at Elle. My expression is clearly not the one she wants because she huffs and rolls her eyes.

She flips the bag so the stick is facing a different way, and then I see the two lines on the damp paper. I freeze and look up at her. My eyes unable to believe what I'm seeing.

"I-is this what I think this is?"

"Yes Der, it is. I'm pregnant. And it's yours, I meant it when I said Elijah never touched me."

I feel the world slipping away and even though I'm sitting down I still manage to stumble and fall slightly. I'm going to be a father.

Elle throws herself into my arms and burrows her face in my chest. "Are you happy? Please say you are."

Does she honestly think I would be anything other than ecstatic?

"Elle, my darling. I'm beyond words, my joy feels like my heart might burst."

She squeezes my middle in joy and I turn her face up to meet mine so I can capture her lips in a deep searching kiss.

I continue the kiss as I slowly ease her back until she's lying on her back, then I begin to kiss down her neck and exposed chest from my T-shirt. Moving down her body, I carefully bunch up the material so that her slightly bloated stomach is on display. She must be about two months, a few days give or take depending on conception but definitely showing her pregnancy if you're looking.

Leaning down, I press my lips to her belly and kiss it three times before turning my head and placing my ear on her belly. Her hands reach down and wind through my hair, embracing my head as I hold her stomach.

"We have an appointment at the obstetrician's tomorrow for a check up and ultrasound."

"I can't wait baby, I can't wait."

I place trails of kisses all over her belly, unable to contain the excitement and love I'm already feeling at the prospect of being a father.

MC's Viking Warriors- Mouse #2Where stories live. Discover now