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Three days in the hospital and I'm desperate to take my rather large family home. Elle is signing herself out as we speak and I'm holding the twins as Griffin sleeps in a baby carrier at my feet.

A tiny part of me is worried about what's going to happen when we get home, especially if Elle ever leaves me alone with them. I just don't have the arms to hold them all!

"Der you ok? You look a little freaked." I turn to find my beautiful woman walking slowly over to me, she's still in more pain than I can bare. It's killing me to see her hobbling over to me, clutching at her stomach but I have my arms full of babies so I can do nothing more than smile at her reassuringly.

"I'm fine baby, I just can't wait to get my family home."

Elle smiles and pads closer towards me, she leans her cheek against my arm and looks down at Andrew reaching her little hand out to stroke his cheek.

She goes to bend down and lift Griffin in his carrier.

"What are you doing?" I honestly can't believe her sometimes, as if I'm going to let her carry such a heavy thing in her condition.

I clear my throat and she stops her movements eagerly, a sigh of relief echoes through her. It's clear to me that Elle is still healing from what Elijah did to her. She's inadvertently testing me and what she's expected to do.

"Baby how are we going to get down to the car then?" Her voice is anxious as she gestures to all the numerous bags full of baby things that sit around our feet.

I throw her a little teasing wink and then the lift opens to reveal Astrid and Vidar standing with smiles on their faces.

"Elle!" Astrid exclaims before practically leaping down the corridor towards us, tugging my poor president after her.

"Astrid! I'm so glad to see you." Astrid greets Elle and completely ignores me deciding instead to focus on Griffin who has awoken and is now demanding attention.

"May I?" Astrid asks sweetly, batting her eyes at me pleadingly.

I roll my eyes at her antics and Vidar's eyes meet mine as he also rolls his eyes.

"Excuse me." I tap Astrid's shoulder firmly and she spins around to look at me with a guilty smile on her lips. "Brother here that would like a greeting before you attack the triplets."

"Hey Mouse, sorry." She grins and leans up on her tiptoes so she can throw a hug around my shoulders. Careful of the twins in my arms.

"Can I hold Griffin now?" She demands practically the moment her arms leave my shoulders.

"Nice to feel wanted." I say to know one in particular but Vidar chuckles in understanding and pats me on the arm supportively.

Elle and Astrid are now cooing over a dozy Griffin, Elle has just fed him so he's dozy with milk and tipsy with love. Astrid is rocking him in her arms as she takes deep breaths of his amazing baby smell.

"God I've forgotten how good they smell!" Astrid exclaims with a giggle and a cheeky look over at Vidar who immediately tenses up and shakes his head at her firmly. I try to stifle a laugh, like Vidar has any control over Astrid. They'll have more babies soon, I can tell. I think Vidar has more baby fever than Astrid does.

Elle has left Griffin in Astrid's arms and moves over to me slowly.

"I want to go home Der, please I'm tired."

I bend down and kiss her forehead before packing the twins into their carriers and picking them up. Vidar carries the rest of the stuff and Griffin's empty carrier without complaint.

We make slow progress down the hall and through the hospital, Elle's body is so exhausted she has to pause a few times and sit down. Her body has been through so much trauma all I want to do is carry her myself but I know Elle would not want or like that.

Finally the entrance is in sight and Vidar walks on ahead faster to bring the car up to the front of the hospital, Elle is practically panting with the exertion and my chest aches.

As we wait an old couple wanders past us and the three babies catch their eyes immediately, I mean who wouldn't take notice at newborn triplets.

"Oh Al look at them." The woman walks closer to us with a smile.

"I hope you don't mind my saying so but they are absolutely perfect."

My chest swells with proud as I look down and around at my rather large family.

"Yes they are."

"Congratulations." The woman smiles at us one last time and Elle tiredly returns it and the couple finally continue on their journey through the hospital.

Vidar's car pulls up as close to the hospital entrance as possible and we lift everything up once again and head back home.

The trip back is almost entirely successful, the babies seem to like the engine sounds as they all fall asleep almost in sync. Elle also falls asleep with her head on my shoulder, a tiny bit of drool falling from her mouth and onto my top.

When we pull back up to the house I can see everyone waiting outside the clubhouse but Astrid runs out and ahead of the rest of us and has words with the group, presumably explaining the situation of three sleeping babies and the sleeping mother.

She returns with a flushed face and Vidar looks at her with such love that I could only recognise from my own.

"Don't worry, we've got it." She whispers and gestures her head to the carriers of babies.

I leave the car and gently lean back in to scoop Elle up into my arms. She groans slightly at the motion but doesn't wake up, she turns her face until her face is squished against my chest.

Smiling at my beautiful baby momma, I turn and carry her back up the steps of our cabin and into our home.

MC's Viking Warriors- Mouse #2Where stories live. Discover now