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"You've found her?" I gasp. "How?"

"Honestly I don't really know man, I found a subscription to some law magazine and it had his address on it. He must've just signed up for it."

I smirk at that, the bastard had got over confident and arrogant, expecting us to have given up the search by now. The thing is I don't care if it's two months, two years or two decades, I would always be looking for her.

We all follow Vidar into the meeting room for church, I'm buzzing with adrenaline and the need to find Elle, but we need a general plan first. Sitting around the table, I almost jump when I realise Astrid sitting beside me, it's not that women can't be riders and members of the club, I'm just surprised Vidar is allowing it at the moment. He's so protective of her.

It's a strange sight to see my president at the head of the table, fuming and commanding orders to the club whilst simultaneously holding his baby daughter.

I try to follow along with the plan but since we don't know what we're exactly going up against, it's hard to plan for every eventuality. I voice the opinion that if the fucker is dumb enough to publish his current address online, however obscure the location on the internet, it's unlikely he has an armoured patrol surrounding his house in the suburbs.

Everyone seems to agree so we decide on taking only a few of the highest level members, myself, Vidar, Viper and Bolt. Hacker will be coming along to complete our plan but he's less skilled in physical combat.

"I'm coming too." Astrid calls out as we all stand to fetch our weapons. I watch my president narrow his eyes and assess how to handle this situation. He's still rocking his daughter and kissing her cheeks periodically.

"Astrid we don't know what you're up against. I can't risk it."

"I know we don't, but Elle is my friend and we don't know what she's been through. As hard as it may sound for you Derek, she may not want to be surrounded by men right now."

I swallow and curse under my breath, realising she's right. We don't know so we can't assume.

"Look," Astrid continues, "I don't want to upset or frighten you so I'll stay in the car with Hacker until you give the all clear. Deal?"

Vidar looks from his wife to his daughter and then to me, he sighs heavily. "Fine, but you listen to me, if I tell you to run you run. Ok?" Astrid purses her lips and nods before standing on her tiptoes to place a soft kiss on Vidar's cheek.

"I'll take Eira to your parents, they already have baby stuff and toys with Liam there."

I leave the two lovebirds to finish their conversation and strode outside to wait for the rest of the men to arrive as well. To my surprise only Vidar is not already there, the rest of the men are all standing beside their bikes- ready for a fight.

Astrid walks towards the car, where Hacker is waiting to drive after us, with Vidar clinging to her arm protectively. The two of them really have something special.


We pull up to the address Hacker gave us, the sight of it turns my stomach. It's all perfection and stifling. The neighbourhood clean and snobbish with people looking down their noses at us as we fly along the road.

I'm first off my bike and already running up the pathway towards my Elle. A figure blocks my path and I stare into the eyes of my president.

"We haven't done recon yet, you can't just march in there."

I can't honestly believe he expects me to stand out here another second knowing Elle is in that building.

"Would you wait if Astrid was in there right now? Frightened and possibly hurt?" My voice is calm and quiet with menace, not threatening my president, just warning him that I'm getting in there with or without his support.

Vidar thinks for approximately half a second before stepping out of my way. I continue to run up the steps past the perfectly cut, garishly green grass. Smiling slightly as I hear Vidar's footsteps immediately behind me, I kick down the door. The rest of the men file in after us, all guns drawn and checking the rooms for trouble. There is no one downstairs, Bolt tells us there are no cars in turn drive way, we are alone.

"Elle!" I call out, checking all the rooms downstairs, my brothers join in. After we establish she is definitely not downstairs, I take the stairs two at a time, still calling her name.

"I'm here!" I hear her voice calling out from alone the landing and I see a door. It's probably locked so I take it at a run, slamming into it and taking it off it's hinges.

"I've found her!" I call out for my brothers, especially for Vidar so he can fetch Astrid.

Standing in the doorway, I look down and see my Elle laying on the floor looking deathly pale and weak. I collapse to my knees and pray that I don't scare her.

Her hand reaches out for me and I almost sob in relief as I brush back her straggled hair from her eyes, taking in the sight of her once again.

Confused, I wonder why she hasn't moved to stand or even come any closer to me. Then I follow the arm she hasn't yet moved and nearly clench my teeth so hard my jaw breaks as I see the handcuff. The skin surrounding it is red and swollen telling me this isn't the first time she's been left like this.

Cautiously, I pull her onto my lap, searching her face for any sign of fear or discomfort in her eyes. There is none. In fact she nuzzles closer into my chest. I want to revel in the situation but first I need to free her arm.

I touch her wrist gently and she whimpers.

"I know little one. I know." I sigh regretfully before yanking the handcuff from the radiator. Elle has buried her face deep into my neck and she's breathing hard. Within a few more seconds her wrist is free of the metal and I hear her little gasp of relief.

Wanting her out of this place, I stand and hold her bridal style in my arms, close to my chest. Elle, however, seems to have other plans because she spins herself around as I walk along the landing. I find myself almost laughing for the first time in two months as Elle clings to the front of me like a baby monkey.

I don't mind, just so long as she's back in my arms again.

I find my brothers clustered in the hallway along with Astrid, all waiting expectantly for word on Elle's condition. As they all notice Elle clinging tightly to me, unharmed beyond a sore wrist there is a collective sigh of relief.

"You know what to do." I growl out to Hacker and Bolt, they are ready to execute our plan.

"Little sis I'm taking the car back, so you'll need to come with us now please." I know that there is no way Vidar would ever let his wife on the back of a motorbike and there's no way I'm leaving Elle for even a second.

"Hacker you can take my bike back when you're done."

There's a ripple of surprise that rumbles through my brothers, normally no one but you can touch your bike, let alone ride it. But I'm not letting Elle out of my arms for anything, pride or not.

Astrid and I leave the house and it takes everything in me not to burn the place down. Not with my brothers still in it, obviously.

"I'll drive Mouse." Astrid smiles up at me before walking around to the drivers seat. I mentally thank her, still not ready to properly speak or put Elle down.

Glancing down at her, I notice she's fallen asleep, clinging to me with her face pressed against my chest, but she's definitely asleep. I stroke the side of her cheek softly before clambering into the passenger seat.

"Let's get you home." I whisper into her hair before finally savouring the feeling of having Elle back with me again.

MC's Viking Warriors- Mouse #2Where stories live. Discover now