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After I have made absolutely certain that I'm safe to go back outside, I open the door and find Derek laying back on his bed. His arms are above his head and every inch of his body cries out at the contrast in his body. Clearing my throat, I get his attention and he stands from the bed. He pulls back the covers and pats the sheet inviting me to sit. I do, relaxing into the soft cotton and the pillows.

I expect him to leave the room or simply move to the sofa. But he doesn't, he remains sitting on the edge of the bed and stares at me. I shift uncomfortably and try to return his gaze, I fail to do so.

"I didn't abandon you, Elle. I wanted nothing more than to see you again. I planned on returning the same evening after I left you that morning. But, a rival club attacked and we had to go into a lockdown. I tried to get you, I wanted to see you... but I couldn't."

I swallow hard, wondering whether I should believe him on not, my instincts speak to trusting him, he does truly seem distressed at what happened. With a deep breath, I reach across and place my finger over his fast moving lips. I halt his frantic babble. Like me, he takes a huge intake of breath before relaxing, he rubs a hand over his beard and I watch with intrigue. What I would give to have my hand running through that...

"It's ok Der... it wasn't your fault. Maybe next time get to me before they beat me...hmmm." I tease him lightly, I can sense he still feels guilty as he doesn't laugh at my joke.

"Joking..." I trail off, now it's my turn to feel guilty, it's obvious he's still distressed and blames himself.

"Der I promise I'm ok, it's only a few cuts and bruises."

Yet he still winces, even though I'm desperately trying to convince him that I'm ok, it's clear that it isn't working. My words don't seem to be hitting home, so I try actions instead. I crawl towards him, admittedly a little lopsidedly as I only have one working arm, and place myself in his lap. He startles from his thoughts and looks down at me with a soft smile.

"I'm still sorry Elle. I shouldn't have kissed you in town."

Ouch. I wince and whimper as I pull away from his harsh words and reality. A firm hand tightens around my middle and I'm pulled back into his hard chest.

"I wasn't saying that I didn't want to kiss you, it's just doing it so publicly made you a target."

Realisation at his words dawns on me and I feel the embarrassment catching up on me once again. Soft lips pepper kisses to my forehead, carefully skimming over the sensitive areas. It's all I can do not to groan in pleasure as I feel my tight muscles relaxing into the safety he brings me.

Derek decides after a few moments of him holding me that sleep is what I need. I'll admit I was only too happy to obey his suggestion. As I curl up under the soft duvet, I let out a low groan. I haven't been warm like this in at least a year.

Sleep comes to me like one of Derek's kisses, soft and welcoming.


When I come to, I'm back in my apartment, the darkness and the chill are unfriendly and known well to me. As I'm about to open up the door to run, I find myself thrown against that chair once again. Zip ties are holding me down, I thrash wildly and scream for Derek.

Then the door flies open, instead of those men from before though, it's him. His suit is straightened to perfection, his hair in that gelled up do that never moved, his eyes as cold and malignant as I remember. His glare is directed at me and I desperately yank at the ties, tears stream down my face. Chocking me with my own sadness. His hand plays with the buckle at the front of his belt.

I scream and scream for Derek. He promised he'd be here. Why isn't he here?

Just as his hand reaches for my throat, an icy bucket of water is tipped over my body and I surface, gasping and choking until I find warm arms around me. His arms.

"D-Derek?" I tremble out as I feel him sitting behind me in the bathtub? I look back at him confused, tears still stream down my face and plop into the cold water below.

"I'm sorry little one, I know it's cold. I couldn't wake you otherwise."

It takes me a few seconds to realise it was all a dream, a culmination of my worst terrors woven together to stalk my sleep. I'm lifted from the bathtub and wrapped in a towel. The floor is cooling and grounding like the bath, but I still find myself trembling and not from the cold. Derek reappears with dry clothes for me to wear.

I don't move. I can't.

He crouches beside and sighs gently as he wipes the tears from my face. He carefully holds the hem of my T-shirt and looks at me, searching my face for permission.

Still unable to talk, I lift my arms above my head as a way of saying I don't care. Derek, ever the gentleman, never lets his eyes stray from my face. Even as he rubs the warmth back into my body with the towel, his eyes are on mine. Talking to me silently, telling me he's here. He was always here.

Once the dry T-shirt has been pulled over my bare torso, he cautiously tugs at the hem of the shorts. I lift myself off the floor so he can pull them down. I still can't speak.

As before, his eyes remain loyal to mine even though he could easily take a quick glance at my body. He doesn't. I love him for it.

Finally, the traces of the bath have gone, but the nightmare grips me still. I reach my arms up for him, my hands making grabby motions for him. He chuckles lightly before picking me up and carrying me to the bed. The covers are rucked up from my nightmare and the bed looks cold. I cling onto Derek as he tries to lower me to the mattress. My legs are wrapped around his torso, my arms about his neck. I'm not going anywhere if I can help it.

"Stay... please." I croak out through my hoarse voice. Derek rubs my back in confirmation and still on the bed, with me still clinging to him like a spider monkey. He pulls the blankets up and over my back as I burrow down into his chest. Breathing in the smell of safety, of home.

Just as I cautiously let sleep claim me once again, I hear Derek's deep voice murmur into my hairline. "I'm here, little one. I'm here now."

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