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7 months later

I sit bolt upright in our bed, I can feel a trickle between my legs and a cramp in my stomach. "Derek." I reach over our bed and slap him on the shoulder until he wakes up.

"What? What?" He groans before trying to roll over and go back to sleep, I keep hitting him until he sits up and looks at me. "What's wrong Elle?" All the grumpy sleep has left him and a look of fear is there instead.

"I think it's..." I gasp as another contraction hits my stomach like a rolling ball of fire. "I know it's time."

We have had a few close calls in these recent weeks, being pregnant with triplets is a total shit show. I haven't really been able to leave the house for two weeks because I've been so unstable on my feet. There was one time when I was convinced my waters had broken in the kitchen but it turned out one of the babies had kicked my bladder and I had no control. I cried for two hours after because I was so embarrassed, to make matters worse I couldn't get down onto the floor to clean it up so I had to call Derek to help me.

He found me sobbing my heart out on the sofa, hiding from the puddle in the kitchen. Without a word, he carried me upstairs and into our bathroom, started running a bath, pulled off my wet legging and pants before wrapping me in a dressing gown. He left me for a minute before helping me into the bath and sat with me until I wanted to get out.

I was too embarrassed to go downstairs and see what had happened in the kitchen but Derek insisted. When I walked in I found no evidence of my shame, he'd cleaned it all up for me. Not another word was spoken about it, Derek merely asked me what I wanted to eat and cooked it for me. I cried again at how lucky I was to have found such a man.

"Is it definitely time?" He checks once again, his eyes huge with untamed excitement and fear. I nod and whimper as another contraction hits. "They're really close together Derek, we need to get to the hospital now!"

Derek moves so fast he's like a blur, one second he's helping me from the bed and getting me dressed, then he's checking our delivery bag and calling members of the club to tell them. I'm barely down the hall before Derek wraps his arm around my waist to steady me- I'm eternally grateful, my entire centre of gravity is wrong and I'm unsteady.

"Are you ok Elle?" He asks as he bundles me into the car, somehow in that time he has also made a hot water bottle and fetched a blanket for me to have in the car. He's always so thoughtful, it's freezing outside in the November air and the car won't warm up for a while.

"I'm ok Der." I gasp out as another contraction hits, "But you really need to start fucking driving now."

He nods and flies out of the compound in the car, now, I would never admit to Derek that I knew this but, Astrid told me that in these last few weeks of my pregnancy Derek has been making practice runs to the hospital to cut down on time. Pregnancies with triplets often come before their due date and once labour starts it can be fast.

Astrid was right, the journey that should have been thirty minutes was only twenty, not that I really noticed, I was too busy panting and trying to not push.

Derek kisses my cheek quickly before dashing into the hospital- he knows exactly where he's going and seems calm and in control. I'm very lucky.

The next contraction hits as I'm climbing from the car towards the wheelchair Derek bought me. It's so hard that I almost drop to my knees in a scream, but as always Derek catches me before I fall.

He helps me into the chair carefully and pushes me into the hospital towards the lift, he's not even looking at the signs he knows exactly where we're going.

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