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"Griffin please." I beg as I try for the third time to get Griffin to latch on for his feed. The twins guzzle it down without complaint or problem but Griffin, he always seems to find it hard. "You're hungry and I'm tired. This is mutually beneficial."

I let out a sigh of relief as he finally latches on and begins to chug away, I stroke his little face with my fingertips and gaze into his dark eyes.

Derek's footfalls appear up the stairs and I know all too soon I'll be met with the gorgeous face of my baby daddy.

His face appears and he goes to speak but I hold up my finger to silence his words, any disruption can cause Griffin to unlatch and then it's even harder to get him to feed again after he's been disturbed. He's a fussy baby.

"Is he feeding?" He whispers into my hair and I nod my head slightly. He kneels down beside us and watches as the youngest of his sons has his early evening feed. The twins have just gone down with Derek, and from the way the milk is dribbling down Griffin's cheeks he won't be much longer until he's out like a light.

I'm right because no sooner than I thought it, he releases my nipple in a dramatic throw back that always makes me laugh.

Standing, I readjust my top and tuck my boob away from the hungry and greedy eyes of Derek. I bop his nose in warning and shake my head, after pushing three babies out of me, that man is not touching me in a very long time.

"I'll take him Elle baby, you take some time for you."

I nod tiredly and hand over the tiny, sleeping baby into the massive arms of my biker before I wander through the room. Picking up discarded babygrows and toys as I go until Derek catches me and snaps his finger at me.

Huffing, I reluctantly lay the things back on the changing table and walk out from the nursery.

Free time, what to do?

Wandering into the bathroom, I decide on a shower. I realise that I probably smell disgusting, the last time I showered was a good few days ago, every time I tried to one of the boys screamed for my attention. Derek had been out shopping for more nappies and after the hassle I gave up on that idea.

Poor Derek, even if I did decide to let him have his way with me again, the smell of my armpits would definitely put him off. I chuckle to myself as I pull off my T-shirt and nursing bra before tugging down the giant nappy I'm still wearing.

I'm still ridiculously sore, everywhere, but just one look at their little faces and the thought of our happy family makes it all worth it.


After my shower, I flop down on the bed in a new T-shirt and stare up at the ceiling, panting only slightly from the effort of standing in the shower.

"I'd say we have about twenty minutes before one of them wakes." My Derek says from the doorway, I hadn't even realised he was standing there watching me. I smile slightly and groan as I stretch out my muscles.

Derek moves quickly over to me and lays down beside me.

"What shall we do with our twenty minutes of peace hmmm?" He questions and I roll over so my head is on his chest, his arm snaking around my middle to hold me protectively close to him.

"Nap?" I ask, already feeling droopy with sleep from the warmth of my man. He nods and presses a kiss to my hair before pulling a blanket over us both.

"I love you," I murmur, we haven't had time to really say it these last few days, I was too busy screaming my lungs out or sleeping, or breastfeeding for that matter.

"I love you too Elle. I'm so glad I pissed you off at that gym."

I laugh and throw my head back lightly as I remember the first time I laid eyes on Derek, even before he knew me, he was already trying to save me.

We have both barely fallen asleep before a baby's cry wakes us both up, even before we can move the other two join in. Turing my head, I give Derek a filthy but playful look.

"The next time you knock me up with triplets I'm cutting it off."

He lets out a startled laugh and stands from the bed. "The next time huh?"

"Don't push your luck there mr." I warn as I walk from our room and into the noise filled nursery. Derek follows behind me, still topless and bends down to lift Griffin into his arms. He's still considerably smaller than the other too who are looking rather chubby. Derek carries the whining baby over to one of the two rocking chairs as I lift Andrew and Ethan up and into my arms before sitting beside him.

Curiously, I watch Derek take Griffin's babygrow off, leaving him in nothing more than a nappy and then he lays him against his bare chest. Derek has skin to skin contact with all the babies at least once a day, he always wants them to know him.

Andrew is still crying and setting Ethan off but I begin to rock the chair into a soothing rhythm that calms their tears. Once I start singing in time to the rocking they fall silent and look up at me with big blue eyes.

Even Griffin has gone quiet and is drooling slightly in his sleep as Derek looks over at me, his eyes full of love. His hand reaches out for mine and we hold hands. His thumb runs over my delicate promise ring until it abruptly stops.

"Marry me." He whispers as our babies sleep in our arms and our hands link.

I can't think of any words that would convey the love and happiness that is flowing through my veins so I just nod and smile. Derek nods and smiles back, no more words are needed.

MC's Viking Warriors- Mouse #2Where stories live. Discover now