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I wake to a crick in my neck, it cracks as I sit up. Once I open up my eyes, I freeze as I find myself on the sofa, and cosied up against a man. Derek. He's still sleeping, his massive form cramped up in a hugely
uncomfortable position. Guilt runs through my flushed face, I spent the night with a stranger! He was right, I am a whore.

Derek clearly feels me looking at him, because his eyes flutter open and his snoring stops. I jump from the sofa and dash into my room and shut the door.

There's a light tapping a few moments later. "Elle? Why are you hiding?"

I groan in embarrassment, this is seriously not like me. "This is so not like me! I spent the night with a stranger!" I exclaim, a deep chuckle resonates from the other oder of the door.

"Little one, as we established last night, we are not strangers. And I hardly call you falling asleep on me and drooling on my top 'spending the night together'" My embarrassment increases tenfold.

"I drooled on you!" I slump down against the door and hold my burning face in my hands. Catching me off guard, the door opens and I fall backwards and onto his feet. He looks down at me and chuckles as I look up at him and blushing.

"Only a little."

Sighing, I stand from the floor, ignoring his outstretched hand. "Thank you for staying with my crazy."

"You're not crazy, Elle. You were just rattled."

I take a step closer to him, I'm loathed to admit it but that was the best sleep I'd ever had, I was warm and nightmare free. "You're apartments a bit chilly, isn't it?" God why do I feel permanently embarrassed around this man.

"Uhhh yeah... being the only female journalist in a small town doesn't pay that well."

"That's bullshit." His voice is harsh and protective, "why does it matter you're the only woman?"

"Boy's club- I'm out of the loop so I don't get any stories to write about."

Derek only growls in response, causing me to giggle. I'm relieved he doesn't comment on the fact I'm paying for a gym membership, but not heating. He seems to really get me.

"I can go now, if you're ok."

Reluctantly, I shrug my head- I desperately want him to stay a little longer. I'm not sure if my ex was knocking at the door, or if it was my mind playing tricks. Either way, I feel safer with Derek here with me.

"You can go." I can only hope my tone conveys the words I cannot say.

"I don't have to- how about breakfast?"

I shrug again, I don't really eat breakfast, and when I do it's only an apple.

"Come on, I'm a great cook." He walks over to the fridge and opens it. I wince when I see his eyes darken at the single bag of apples that I keep in there.

"This is all you eat?" His voice is incredulous and angry, I divert my eyes down to the floor. As I hear him take deep breaths, I try to remember when I hadn't starved myself out of hatred for my body. It was before my ex, of course, but that was 10 years ago now. A lot of damage can be done in a decade.

"No!" I exclaim too loudly, to jumpily- he now knows I'm lying- good job Elle.

"I just haven't gone shopping yet for next week." The lie trips off my tongue, it's what I'd always tell my mum whenever she questioned me about it. All 'I ate in the car' and 'he loves me, I love him'. That was until he alienated myself from them all and I didn't need to lie anymore.

"Ok..." He drawls out slowly, "The diner then?"

I've now got to cover my tracks, so I agree. "Sure, I'll just get dressed."

What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I so pathetic? I've hardly been able to say anything to this man, he's definitely bored of me. He's just here out of pity.

Feeling self even more self conscious than normal, I pull out a pair of grey sweatpants and a blue hoody. Hopefully, I won't look too odd- it's still chilly in the morning. I'm just not sure I can go outside in the light with my arms out.

Opening my door, I'm met by Derek leaning against the wall with his phone out. When he heard me, he put his phone away and smiled over at me. "You look lovely."

"Really?" A lightness flies onto my chest and a blush rises on my cheeks.

"Yes, little one. You look beautiful." I blush so hard, I have to bite my lip to keep the grin from spreading across my cheeks. I grab my glasses from the kitchen worktop- I wore my contacts at the gym and in the night I couldn't see anything either way so I left them off.

Derek jumps when I turn to face him.

"Glasses huh?" I nod bashfully before tucking my house keys as Derek leaves the apartment. "They suit you."

Why is this gorgeous hunk of a man complimenting me of all people every two seconds?

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