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I pull up to park in the compound and turn off the car. Both Elle and I sit in silence for a minute, both clinging to each other as the news properly sinks in for us both.

"Can I see the picture again?" I ask Elle as I rub my thumb over the soft skin of her hand. She nods and pulls the photo from her purse, handing it to me with a smile. Gazing down at the picture I, as Elle did throughout the journey, begin to count the little shapes of our babies. The doctor was right, there's still three of them.

Elle looks a little green so I lift her hand to my lips to kiss it softly. "We can just go back to our room and tell them when you're ready."

"No, no." She says reflectively. "I want to tell them all now." She swallows slightly and squeezes my hand in hers. "This is exciting!"

"It certainly is Elle, I can't wait."

"Well of course you can't wait!" She teases, "You don't have to push three babies out!"

I laugh heartily at her humour, but I do feel so guilty for what she's going to have to go through to create our family. If only I was a seahorse.

"Let's go then." Elle squeaks and opens her door, I follow her and walk around the car to hold her hand. We walk towards the bar and I'm trying desperately not to hold a hand around her stomach protectively, what if she trips and falls?

Elle messaged Astrid to ask everyone to group together in the bar ready to find out the news about our baby. When I push open the door I find the entire club there waiting for us, I hold the door open for Elle before letting it close.

We stand at the front of the group, it was an informal meeting but everyone was waiting in silence for the news.

"We're pregnant!" Elle exclaims and the cheers of my brothers are deafening as they celebrate, a little prematurely given the following news we have.

"Wait a second!" I roar over the din and it falls quiet again. "We're pregnant with... triplets."

A hush falls over the group as all my brothers look at us to see if we're joking about this part of the announcement. Vidar walks up to us both a look of surprise on his face. "You serious bror?"

We both nod together before I offer the sonogram as proof. Vidar looks at it and counts the three little peanuts, Astrid peeks around his arm and looks at the photo. Her eyes widen almost comically before she throws her arms around Elle.

"Congratulations!" She exclaims as Elle returns her hug, "If you ever need any help please-"

"Don't come to us." Vidar interrupts his wife's offer causing him to receive a filthy look from Astrid.

"Don't worry bror." I put Vidar's mind at rest while pulling Elle into my side. "We've got this."

The crowd begins to disperse as people break off to sit at the bar or a booth to nurse their alcohol. Bolt walks up towards Elle and I, Elle smiles warmly at him whilst I give a brief greeting nod.

"Congratulations bror, but there's no way in hell you're staying in that room two doors down from me with three newborns."

I laugh as I suddenly realise we do definitely need a cabin for ourselves, especially with only 7 months to go.

"I hear you Bolt, I'll get us a cabin soon." He grunts in response and offers a slight smile to Elle, it looks pained and strange on his face. Our live in hell hound rarely smiles.

"Come on baby, I fancy spending the rest of the day together." Elle nods in agreement and cuddles into my chest, her face breathing in the smell of my cologne. Bending down, I pull her up into the air and she instinctively wraps her legs around my waist, clinging on like she always does.

I carry her and the babies, I suppose, up the stairs and into our room. Settling on the bed Elle straddles my sitting form and curls her arms around my neck so her eyes are looking up into mine. My hands move to my hoody and T-shirt and I lift both hems together to expose her tummy and my hands are placed over the area, covering it with warmth and love.

"I'm so excited." I whisper, looking at Elle with unbelievable awe and admiration. "I'll be here for you, whatever you need."

"I know you will."

I bend down and gently capture her lips in a kiss saying all the words I can't voice well enough to express how I feel about her. Pulling away I press a kiss to her temple before whispering against her skin that I love her. She trembles at that and whispers her response.


The warm water of the bath settles around us as we lay there together, Elle in my arms, my hands on her stomach. We've been in there for about half an hour and neither of us had spoken, there's just the rhythmic tapping of water droplets and Elle's deep, dozing breaths.

"What happened to Elijah?" She asks quietly, completely catching me off guard.

"He's gone baby." I reply, stroking patterns on around her belly button.

"I know he's gone but I want to know what happened?"

"Ok." I murmur and kiss her head before I tell her the truth. "While we were looking for where you were, Hacker found a lot of bad stuff he had been involved in. He was assisting criminals in human trafficking and protecting from the law amongst other things, he'd been taking bribes and bribing judges as well as helping his friends get away with criminal activity.

So when we rescued you, Hacker stayed behind to plant all this evidence back on his computer for the police to find, we tipped them off about all of it. But it seems Elijah knew he was going to be caught, because when the police came to his house... they found a bullet in his head. He completed suicide.

Meaning that everything for you is ok, it's an open and shut case and he can never hurt you, or our babies again."

Elle lets out a deep, relieved sigh and I nuzzle my nose into her neck, it's damp with water and sweet with her scent.

"What happened to the people he helped traffic?" She asks after a moment of reflection, my darling girl, always so selfless and caring.

"We didn't reveal their location to the police seeing as it was so corrupt with lawyers and officers who knew about it. Hacker found where they are and the club has got them out, those with family have flights waiting within the next few days. Those that don't have the support of the club until the find their feet."

Elle cranes her neck to the side slightly and looks at me. "You're so perfect, so amazing, so kind. I'm so lucky that it's you I get to spend my life with. I love you Derek."

"I love you too, little one."

This is not the last chapter, there will be one more following this one and then Viper's story will start. Xx

MC's Viking Warriors- Mouse #2Where stories live. Discover now