Diluc x M reader p2. (edited)

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The two actually go though quite well, they sleep and train together, Diluc teaches him Mondstadt culture by giving him a tour there or from books, but (y/n) didn't know the young master had feelings for him, and himself have no idea about feelings like happiness etc. being born in the wild he live as an animal so when they first have dinner he eat with his mouth and act like some wild wolf, Diluc teaches his how to use forks and spoon "we always eat with this so we don't get our hands dirty!" the red-hair male explained and demonstrate, (y/n) look at him and look back at his food, he scoop up the food and put it in his mouth and felt a slight of achievement.

If Diluc felt board (y/n) will turn to the eagle and play with him, Diluc in his free time will teach (y/n) to speak since he is not fully master in speaking so he might as well learn. Diluc shared his wisdom to (y/n) and told him how he know his existence.


The two sat on the green filed with yellow flowers covering the land, the wind made the plants dance in its way. (y/n) was high in the air flying around the skies in teyvat, whenever Diluc whistled he will be right besides him.

Time pass as two had grown into adult, during the time Diluc father sacrifices himself for Diluc's life fighting a dragon, and by the time the knights are here to assist it was to late, (y/n) came a little faster than the knights but was still late, he sense the wave of emotion in Diluc he knows is better not to interfere since his like a uncontrolled bomb, since the incident Diluc had never seen (y/n).

Diluc had an argument with one of the leader in the knights leader, without any further discussion he said "fine. Then don't consider me as a knight" he said throwing his vision aside and just like that he quit, (y/n) watched the entire event and saw Diluc walk out with his coat and vision dumping them in the trash. And now he just work as an Bartender in Angle Share's in certain times.

(y/n) doesn't want Diluc to give up his vision, he took the vison from the trash and waited in a tree near Dawn Wintery, he have no entry since the window were all closed he need to wait.

- 20 minutes passed -

The window was finally opened by a maid (y/n) jump off the branch and to the window, lucky for him the window that was open was Diluc's room, he place the vision on the bed and flew back to his spot waiting for the pyro-user.

As the moon glow above the sky the door opened walking in a crimson hair male with serious looking eyes, for (y/n) his like a different person but in fact that's just its surface inside is the same person he knows, but he never reveal that side of him.

(y/n) watch Diluc look off his coat and place his claymore somewhere in the room. Diluc spotted the vision on the bed, he took the object and look out the window confused on who place it.

Beneath (y/n), he wanted to just dash his way and give him a hug but the other side kept pulling him back cause he doesn't know how he'll react, two sides battling.

In the end both did not win (y/n) will go see Diluc but will leave once more.

He flew swiftly to the edge of the window and found Diluc was on the chair reading, Diluc eyes widen in surprise he drop the book on the floor and fast-walk towards him, without a single word he wrap his arms around the fluffy animal "where have you been.." Diluc whispered, the wings turned into arms, head grows bigger with the beak shorten into mouth, the feather withered away and into (h/c) hair "I was always with you but...I'm just...scared" the other male whisper back lifting his hands to hug the male, they stayed like this a couple minutes "would you like to join me on dinner? Like the old days?" Diluc gave (y/n) a smile he would never show to anyone "of course"

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