Diluc x M reader

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for those who don't know what Harpy eagle looks like here :  

for those who don't know what Harpy eagle looks like here :  

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that's also how big it is

Legend said that there was once a being who was create by the gods, the divinity wanted to make something no words or name can be place on, they created a being transform himself in to eagle, he was not an animal or an Archon or human, some say he was just an experiment from the gods or a person from another dimension. Tough no one had seen it but people who did said that the animal he transform into is an eagle, not just normal eagle though- it was an Harpy eagle, the largest and strongest eagle compare to all kinds, it's also an rare species, people don't see them often, became they had hidden themselves from human sight, but people believe he is the guardian of the forest, some adventures said they spotted a boy dashing though the forest but he moved inhumanly fast, in truth no one ever have a clear sight of the mysterious boy.

"I want to see a Harpy eagle one day !" Diluc said in excitement "also the person mention in the book!" He added "master Diluc you know this is just a legend, they are not true!" The maid said, every time before Diluc go to bed he had to listen at least one story or else he would nag.

Diluc puffed his cheek "it must be out there somewhere! It's rarely seen doesn't mean it's not real! I will find it myself one day!" He said in determination, the maid close the book and patted the fluffy red-hair boy head "I believe one day you will young master, now is time for bed" she said, her hands stroke with a slow peace and Diluc slowly felt the heaviness from his eye lids until it was shut closed.

- time skip to Diluc's birthday -

To be born in a royal family and being the young master sometimes is tiring, but if it's the young master birthday, boy they made will make it huge party. And in addition, many royals were invite to the party all kinds of people can be seen, some are people who knows Diluc's father who was also popular because wine he made.

And Diluc being the celebrity son receives a mountain of gifts from other riches, but himself don't have interest in those since those are like toys or so, what he wants is to at least have his eyes lay on the legend from the book he had listened.

His father had heard about this but himself doesn't know his dad knows this, his dad seen the face when Diluc receives the presents, so to lighten his mood he had order to get him an Harpy eagle.

He gave a signal to his servant to bring out the animal, while the servant when to get the eagle he approached his son who's circled by other riches asking questions.

The young master spotted his father "father!" He cried, every time what his excited about was not the gift from others but his dad, he always gave the unexpected gift.

"Do you have a present for me to?" Diluc ask In excitement "yes, in fact you would love it." " What is it?"  "You will see"

The servant came being Diluc holding a cage with a red cover. Diluc remove the cover and peek though the gaps, his eyes sparked with excitement "is that an Harpy eagle!?" He almost screamed "yes"

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