Zhongli x Male reader

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Request by L-O-LHI

Zhongli/morax as God of earth (no not contract just pure rock god)

(y/n)/Perses as God of destruction. (I didn't come up the name random, in ancient geek the name is known for a titan god of destruction, go search it up if you want)

When I write Perses is also refer as you K? so it would fit the way I want

Destination set in Liyue


Human live under the gods for their protection because their fragile, human believe gods are meant to protect them thinking all gods are good. Such nonsense. in teyvat all the gods but 1 dignity show the opposite.

Perses was the name of the deity but also known as (y/n) when it's in his mortal form, this being is a troublesome adversary to all gods. During the gods war it took 4 gods to seal Perses away. Technically speaking his restraints in a domain specifically made for him. And it has been millenia since the war.

As time pass people offer food or accessories to the immortal in exchange for peace or extinguish his wrath, the seals must be recast every 6 years to sustain Perses power. It's now a tradition in Liyue.

-20 years passed-

Out of all gods Morax or Zhongli was the only god who visit (y/n) including today. (y/n) had grow much peaceful then he use to. Zhongli entered the Domain, inside the Domain was like another world it has sea and hills, green grass and some bone spike out from the ground, the weather is either cloudy or clear it depends on (y/n), yes you heard me right the weather is base on (y/n)'s mood.

 Zhongli entered the Domain, inside the Domain was like another world it has sea and hills, green grass and some bone spike out from the ground, the weather is either cloudy or clear it depends on (y/n), yes you heard me right the weather is base ...

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Inside the Domain

"oi come out, how long you gonna let me stand here for?" Zhongli yelled he voice echoed, suddenly the sound of rumbling from a distance, a giant walk out from the sea towards Zhongli standing face to face Zhongli was like an ant to him

"oi come out, how long you gonna let me stand here for?" Zhongli yelled he voice echoed, suddenly the sound of rumbling from a distance, a giant walk out from the sea towards Zhongli standing face to face Zhongli was like an ant to him

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